
This Week… Winter Recital

This was a good week. Little Man spent the week back at it in the books department.

 In Bible he learned about the water from the rock and the war with the Amalekites. Both he found to be fascinating, and truth be told… So do I. (Exodus 17) 
Finished chapter 6 of “The Golden Goblet.” Ranofer discovers just how much he does NOT want to be a stone cutter, finding it to be monotonous, noisy and the other workers far too busy to be friendly. He also has discovered that Gebu is up to something in the middle of the night, sneaking out of the house when he thinks Ranofer is sleeping. Whatever could it be?Little Man completed a character comparison of Ranofer and Gebu. He also gave an impromptu book report to our friend Rachel.
Continuing on with Kahn Acadmy. I am finding that this is helping to reinforce any math that he may have struggled with in the past. This isn’t without issue though as his heart demands perfection and frustration comes when mistakes are made, but he also is enjoying the challenge that comes from the “gaming” style experience. Don’t get me wrong, Khan Academy is in no way a game, it is hard core math. But because the student is rewarded with badges along the way, Little Man sees the challenge sort of like a game, wanting to get more badges. To do that he must be more patient and diligent to check his work. This week his focus was exponents.
Moving on into lesson 4 he began to learn about migration. He’s still in the reading phase, next week he will begin documenting what he learned in his note-booking journal.


This was recital week. Little Man performed 2 pieces, “Danny Boy” and “Legend of Madrid” He did really well on both. You can see them here:

Thursday was an extra special day for Little Man and his homeschool friends. Some of the ladies from the congregation invited them to a get together. They fed us a wonderful assortment from baloney to sushi. Then they played games and gave them prizes and gifts. They were able to sample Japanese Green Tea called Machta and have a chance to be loved on by grandmotherly women.

This weekend he is working along side Ms. Joyce to prepare and serve a meal to his mom and dad. I’m looking forward to dinner tonight!!!

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