Homeschool Parents Need Vacation Time
Homeschooling parents spend so much time focused on the needs of the children. From earning income to pay for family and schooling needs to the day-to-day activities that go into home-education days get long. And, over time, it’s easy for homeschool moms and dads to lose focus on the needs of their marriage. Marriage is the most essential relationship in a family. In fact, it’s so important that I think it’s vital for husbands and wives to take time away from the family. Homeschool parents need vacations. They need time away from the kids, homeschooling, and jobs.

Homeschooling parents, moms, and dads are to each other husband and wives. That relationship existed before the children came along. With care, the marriage relationship will last far beyond the homeschooling years. And, that’s the key; it takes care and decisions to prioritize the marriage.
Good marriage relationships don’t happen by accident. It takes both commitment and works to continue growing the relationship. This is especially true during the long homeschooling days. Because we spend so much time focusing on the needs of the children, the needs of the parents become secondary. As such, the needs of the marriage will likely take a backseat to the day-to-day busyness that is homeschooling.
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Reasons Why Homeschool Parents Need Vacations
By dedicating time away from the children, your home, and your jobs, you can spend time focusing on the needs of each other.
We see a lot of talk on the web about self-care, especially for homeschooling moms. But, marriage care is just as, if not more, critical.
A fully functioning marriage is vital to the well-being of children. Having a stable home with nurturing parents who show unconditional and dependable love helps shape the child’s sense of self. It gives them a sense of safety and helps to establish their identity in the world they live in. It helps set them on a path of success in their adult year.
But, this can’t be true if the parent’s foundational relationship, the marriage, isn’t solid.

To have that solid relationship the two must learn to provide care for each other, have dependable trust, and share in the good and bad times together, with love. Seeking the other’s highest good means the needs of both are being met.
Taking a vacation as a couple can help you to focus. It gives you time and space to ensure each other’s needs are cared for. It provides a safe environment without kids’ ears or distractions to communicate, share worries and fears. But it also gives you that ever-important time to show each other both affectionate and sensual love.
5 Affordable Ways for Homeschool Parents to Take Vacation
I know that when one parent stays home to educate the children money can be tight. So the idea of taking a vacation without the children may seem like an unaffordable luxury. But there are ways to tackle the need without busting the budget. And, there are ways to get the help you need with childcare without feeling like you are being selfish.

- A vacation doesn’t have to mean renting a beach-front home for a week. Nor, does vacation have to mean a week away. Getting away as a couple can be as simple as getting a room at the local bed and breakfast, or even just the neighborhood hotel that you can book for a couple of days? Even just one night away can do wonders for your relationship and each of your souls.
- House swap! What? So hear me out… I’m guessing you have at least one good friend who also homeschools. They, too, need a vacation from time to time with their husband. What if, you offer to watch their kids for a weekend so they can have that vacation. You offer to camp out at their home with their kids for a weekend, in exchange for they can use your home for the weekend to have that needed vacation. Then, a week or two later you do the whole thing again, only in reverse, they watch the kids in your home, while you have your getaway in theirs. Think of it like an Air B&B for homeschool moms. It’s affordable, solves a problem for both couples, and the kids will think it’s cool to have a family sleepover from time to time.
- Go camping! Taking a tent to a local state park isn’t going to cost you a lot of money. Since it’s just the two of you, packing can be kept to a minimum, and you’ll be together, out in nature with no distractions from the modern world. It’s a great way to focus solely on each other.
- Not a fan of the great outdoors? How about renting a cabin at that state park instead? Often, in the off-season renting a cabin is very affordable. This requires you to do some planning ahead of time but call up the reservation line and ask when their off-season has the best possible rates. Then plan your getaway for that time. Also, you can almost always get the best rate Tuesday through Thursday so check those days compared to the weekend.
- Don’t Leave Home. A vacation can be had while staying at home if you send the kids to grandma’s house. While they’re away you can transform your guest room into a little getaway. Book a romantic dinner at a local restaurant, but when it comes to alone time, you can enjoy each other’s company in the privacy of your own home.
What Children Learn from Homeschool Parents’ Vacations.
- Children learn that it is important for moms and dads to spend time together. And, they’ll know that when they are grown and married they too can remember to prioritize their marriage.
- They will discover the importance of learning how to submit to the authority of those watching your child while you are away. Throughout life we are faced with authority figures, from employers to elders in the church, to police everyone has times when they need to be able to submit to authority. Learning how to take direction from childcare givers in early life helps them to understand how to appropriately be submissive. And, too for Christian families, we understand that true submission is found in submitting to God’s will. That is learned through obeying parents, and other authority figures in our lives.
- And, your kids will get to experience the thrill of being reunited with mom and dad when you return. Anticipation, and then the joy of reuniting, is a magnificent family bonding experience!
Taking time away from homeschooling, parenting, and your job and focusing your attention entirely on each other can help mom and dad to build your marriage bonds, and create a beautiful dependency as your love grows.
Do you take vacations with your own beloved? Share your best tips with me and others in the comments below.