When Mom is the Only’s Only Class-Mate
The Need to Participate

This is my very favorite mom/son photo ever. In fact it was the first photo I used on this blog. I love being his mom and being his homeschool teacher. He is my greatest undeserved blessing.
Yet there are times when being his only class-mate becomes a little over-whelming.
Our only children rely on us for everything. They rely on us for food, clothing, shelter. They rely on us for math, science and history. They rely on us for conversation, for comfort and for normalcy.
We give them everything while at the same time, we teach them how to be independent. We teach them to work alone, to care for their own needs and to feel comfortable with working alone.

But no-one can be alone all of the time. Everyone needs attention. I am happy to give my son attention. I try to be intentional about it. I make conscience decisions to not let anything distract me from being his mom. It’s not always easy because it means giving up my self needs, desires and time. But when I remember the time when I was not a mother, I know that every second I give to him is far better than the alternative.
I have seen moms (both of one and of many) who get frustrated with their children too easily. I’ve heard moms say things, which makes me cringe, because they have reached their wits end. But childhood goes away so fast. Blink and they will be adults, let’s be patient with our little ones, let’s remember they are kids and EVERY THING THEY DO IS A LEARNING EXPERIENCE. Let’s pay attention so… We. Don’t > Miss > It!

Our children, My child & your child who is an only… have. a. need. They need YOU. They need you to be their mom. To put them before the emails, facebook, twitter and texts. They rely on you because you are their mom, their class-mate, their friend, and their teacher.
Let’s decide to be intentional with our only’s and give them what they need. They need us to willingly participate in their lives, because we are their only class-mate.
Are you homeschooling an only child? Join my friends and I from iHomeschool Network this Thursday, November 21st at 2 p.m. ET as we discuss what life as a homeschooling family to an only is like.

Are you in need of even more homeschooling encouragement as a mom to an only? I want to share with you an affiliate link for a book that My friends Jimmie & Amy wrote. You can read my review of this marvelous book and if you choose you can buy it at Amazon.com.

Totally needed your words today! Thank you!
Renee Brown
So glad you found encouragement. 🙂 Thank you for visiting with me.
Thank you! I am homeschooling my only and am so glad to have found your blog.
Renee Brown
Jennifer I’m glad you have found me too, and I hope you find encouragement when visiting. Let me know whenever you stop by, maybe we can support each other in our “Only” journey.
Wow! Thanks. I needed this. Simple yet powerful.
Renee Brown
So glad you were encouraged by it.