When You Bump Into Me at Homeschool Convention
I’m Going to GHC in Cininatti
I‘m so excited about homeschool convention. It’s just a few weeks away. I’ve been reading over the schedule and trying to get a feel for which seminars I want to attend. I can’t wait to see my blogging friends, spend some time with my husband, share some laughter with friends, and meet some of you. I do hope I get to meet you! If you see me, be sure to let me know. I don’t want to miss a chance to say “hello” IRL.
This post is a sponsored GHC post and contains affiliate links. All opinions are my own and I am thrilled to attend convention for the 4th year in a row.

If You See Me at GHC You Might Notice
- I wear glasses. In my profile photo I am wearing contacts, and I do wear contacts sometimes, but they don’t feel good in my eyes for very long so I usually shed them after about 4 hours. So if you bump into me any time after lunch, I most likely will be wearing glasses.
- My hair is longer than you might think.
- I like wearing skirts. I won’t wear them each day of convention, but I most likely will on one day.
- You might notice a handsome man next to me. That will be my Beloved. He’s going along with me this year and I am looking forward to spending some time with him.
You May Bump into Me at these GHC Spots
- Listening to a modern day hero, Dr. Benjamin Carson, on Saturday night. I can’t wait!
- You might see me in the Books Bloom booth. I just love Jan Bloom’s vendor booth with stacks of used books, oh so many books. It smells like a library in that little part of the convention.
- Listening to Linda Lacour Hobar discuss Mystery of History for all ages. I listened to her last year and sat fascinated as she shared, well, history. You can tell she is passionate about history, it rubs off on me and gives me encouragement for another year.
- Hanging out with some of my blogging friends! Homeschool convention is the ideal place for an impromptu blogger meetup, and I’m looking forward to seeing friends IRL.
- Hoping like crazy I get seats for the Matt Walsh presentation! I mean I can only imagine how long that line is going to be! Ya know?
- You might find me in the JM Cremp’s booth. I’m a boy mom, they are all about boyhood! Need I say more?

- At the coffee stand. Yes, I am a coffee drinker. I like tea, we drink sweet tea in my family, but I am also a coffee drinker, so I’ll be in and out of the coffee stand.
- Attending the seminar of Dr. Kathy Koch, author of “How am I Smart? Multiple Intelligences” because I’m a mom of a child with multiple intelligence and this is one of the seminars that will help me in that journey.
- Stopping by the Ohio Valley University booth, to say “hello.” OVU is where my Beloved and I met and started dating.
- Laughing it up as Mark Lowery and the Martins as they perform their comedy routine.
- Sitting in a seminar listening to Darlene Schacht! I love marriage, and her marriage blog, Time Warp Wife, is marvelous and I can’t wait to find even more encouragement from her.
GHC Blogger Meet Up Information:
Are you a blogger? Be sure to follow Great Homeschool Conventions on Facebook and Twitter to watch for information about Blogger Meet-ups.
Are you going to a Great Homeschool Convention? Have you been before or is it your first time? What are you most looking forward to?

Darlene Schacht
Turns out I won’t be able to go. I’m going to miss everyone so much. Hopefully next time! It would have been awesome to meet you! Thanks for the mention.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Bummer! Well hopefully it is due to a scheduling conflict and all is well with you and your family. I will miss seeing you. Hopefully next year! Blessings.
I’m going! It’s been several years since I’ve been able to attend and this year I get to go with my sister. Yay!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Yeah Tristan! How exciting! Send me a FB, PM and maybe we can schedule a quick meet and greet.