Encouragement and Continuing Education for Homeschool Parents
iHomeschool Studio a 4-day Webinar Event
Are you sitting in your homeschool, staring out your frosty windows and wishing a friend would call and just talk the afternoon away about which math curriculum is right for you? Or maybe you want to do a bit of research on homeschooling during the high school years but aren’t sure where to start? Are you curious to learn more about homeschooling methods and learning styles? Are you just thinking you wish it were spring and time for a big homeschool convention?
The iHomeschool Network has just what you need. As a member of the iHomeschool Network, I also am an affiliate marketer for their products and this online event is perfect for a Winter Pick Me Up. It’s the iHomeschool Studio. A 4 day webinar with some fantastic speakers. Take a look at the topics available.
iHomeschool Studio
- Homeschooling a Child with Learning Challenges
- Facing the Giant – Homeschooling Through High School
- Organization for a Peaceful Home
- Why Personality Type Matters in Learning
- Manners Matter & Mean Success
- Managing Intense Kids
- Cultivate a Heart for Missions While Weeding Out the Guilt
- Creativity Builds
- If I Could Do it Over: What I learned as I traveled along the homeschool journey, but wish I knew at the very start.
- Teaching Music In Your Homeschool – Made Easy!
- Hard-Wired to Learn: Your Child’s Brain and God’s Design
- Overcoming the Mommy Anger
- Loving Geography—Even If You Can’t Fold a Map!
- Time Management for the Special Needs Mom (And Every Other Mom!)
- The Lazy Student: What’s a Mom to Do?
- Budget Basics for Kids and Teens
- Guiding our Kids through Social Media
- The Busy Homeschool Mom’s Guide to Romance
- You Are Not Alone: Collaborative Homeschooling
- Discover the Joy in Letting God Lead Your Homeschool
- Science and Math: End the Struggle!
- Affording the Homeschool Life
- Loving Living Math
- How to Guide the Gift in Your Child
4 Days Only