
Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart

Thanksgiving. I don’t imagine that there are many Americans who have not observed some aspect of this holiday. It is a day which has been set aside as a day for citizens to offer thanksgiving for the blessings received. It begs the question, “To whom do we offer thanks?”
This seems like an obvious duh kinda answer, right? My answer would be, “well yes”
If you are a believer in God the creator of the universe then without  a doubt you know to whom you offer thanks for your blessings. But for just a moment think about the irony of this national holiday. We now live in a country that has chosen to attempt to completely remove God from our schools. In fact the schools are now mandated by law to teach a scientific theory which directly refutes His existence, yet EVERY SCHOOL in this country will take this holiday as a day off in order for it’s students to spend time with families for the express purpose to offer thanks. 
I and many families who choose to home educate, choose also to teqch my child the purpose of thanksgiving, I do this daily. I work to teach him to daily give thanks for blessings, for me it’s simple because without doubt I believe that God is the creator of the world and alll that is. It is to Him through the name of His one and only Son that I give thanks during this National Holiday and every day. 
Thank You God, that I live in this blessed country and may she return to the godly principals on which she was first established. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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