Ladies, Learning and Lunch
I was privilege today with a great learning opportunity! My friend was asked to speak at a Ladies Inspiration Day. She asked me to go along with her. Last night I went and spent the night at her home so that we could leave bright and early today. She has an 8 1/2 month old baby in her house right now who is cutting teeth. The little one did not sleep well, thus those in the home did not sleep well. Early this morning we got ready and were on the road by 6 AM. We stopped at the local McD’s on the way for breakfast and coffee. I must say that was the worst cup of coffee I’ve ever had. Nevertheless, we headed out for our 2 1/2 hour drive.
We made it to the building and was graciously greeted by some very nice ladies. My friend knew a few of them, but I didnt’ really know them. Yet, they are sisters in the Lord. They welcomed me into their meeting just as if they were welcoming me home and I felt quite at home there.
The theme for the day was “I Have Confidence” Now you might think that we talked about how we ourselves can look within to find confidence. You might think that we talked about self-esteem and internal strength. But you would be wrong. What we learned was that True Confidence doesn’t come from our selves but rather from our knowledge of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit. We gain confidence when we trust God to lead us and guide us in His Word. We gain confidence when we have faith that leads to obedience in baptism. We gain confidence when we rise from the watery grave of baptism and walk anew in our life with Him as our guide. We gain confidence when we go to Him in prayer and fully trust Him to Hear and answer our prayers and that He will do so in His will and for our best interest.

Then we had a small group discussion where we each were able to talk about what we had learned.
The drive there and the return home were priceless moments spent lovingly talking with, sharing with, laughing with and even crying with my good friend. I’m thankful for this day! I’m thankful for my friend. I’m thankful for Christ’s Church and the fellowship of sisters seeking to learn more about Him. I’m thankful to return home to my beloved and my little man. In a few hours I will be thankful for my nice soft bed.