Planning for the New Homeschool Year
Following my Action Plan for the Year.
**Disclosure: This post contains both, affiliate advertisement. Which means, I receive payment for products purchased at external sites, But I am sharing with you products that I will be using in our homeschool this year, and I think they are pretty great. Maybe you will too. Thank you for supporting Great Peace Academy, for more information, see my disclosure.
I’ve been busily working through my Action Plan for getting prepared for the new homeschool year.
- Pray, Since this is an ongoing conversation between me and Father. I won’t check it off my plan of action.
I pray for wisdom to teach according to Little Man’s abilities and needs.
I pray for guidance to lead him in paths of righteousness and courage to see beyond what is expected from the world’s view and to realize that our goal is heaven.
I pray for discernment to know what choices are best for this coming year and what choices we should walk away from.
I pray for Jonathan’s heart to be receptive to my teaching/leading and for his mind and soul to be open to hearing truth. I pray discernment for his heart and I pray knowledge of the Holy One to be written upon him. I pray for his mind to be free of distractions and his ears to be attuned to necessary things. I pray that as he grows and learns he will apply fruit of the Spirit to his life.
- I started with cleaning the classroom. I mean redecorating the classroom.
I actually like that the room is looking more like a middle school room than an early elementary room. Our classroom is growing up right along with Little Man. I know I’ve been hinting at this big change for a while, I promise a full post is coming soon with lot’s of pictures, but here is a preview.
September 3rd, the Day after Labor Day.
Note to self: Send in notification!!
We still have a trip to take the last week of August so it makes sense to wait and we have for the first time been schooling through the summer.
- Make list of needed school supplies and make those purchases. This is a work in progress, but I have begun the process.
- Take a Serious Look at Curriculum
- Begin printing and prepping notebooks and materials. Put together lab supplies for science. Note to self: Buy more printer ink.
I’ve started looking at our curriculum and trying to decide what goes, what stays and what I need to add to the line up.
I’m especially excited about the additions I’ll be making to Writing, Art and Music.
Writing: Write Shop Book B
Art: A Simple Start to Chalk Pastels
Music Appreciation: SQUILT, Vol. 1
At first glance this material is very well written, by a homeschool mom for homeschool moms, the instructions are clear with excellent suggestions for how to use the material.
- Work on Lesson Plan Book.
I’ve slightly started this process, most likely it will happen after we get back from church camp after the 4th of August. Note to self: Start laundry for church camp.
- Determine goals for the year. Divide by quarters and then start planning the first two weeks.
Note to self: Wait until after church camp. You have a lot to do this week.
Okay so I still have quite a ways to go with my action plan, but I also know not to stress about it too much. Much of what we will be doing is a continuation of what we worked with through the summer. But the BIG job of redoing the classroom is complete. On to the next big project, church camp here we come. We’re leaving Saturday.