This Week… Studies and Socializing & 30 Days to Give Thanks Day 17
This Week…Oh I am so tired after all the planning for this weeks Thanksgiving festivities at our homeschool group. Bible: Progressing forward in Exodus, Jonathan began to walk with the Israelites out of Egypt. He read how the Lord led them by a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. We talked about how He still leads us today through the study of the Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He read how that rather leading them the shortest route to the land of Canaan, He diverted them toward the Desert of Sin, or the Sinai Peninsula because if they went through…
30 Days to Give Thanks Day 15 & 16
This is a bit late. But I have been busy for several days prepping for the Homeschool Support Group’s Thanksgiving Celebration which happened today. Day 15, Today I am thankful for my dear loving friend Joyce. Who is more than just a friend. She is a surrogate mother to me, she is grandmother to my son. She has stepped into our lives in a beautiful way bringing love and joy far beyond anything I could imagine. She encourages me in her words and in her deeds. She only ever speaks kindness about others, and even when she gets upset she never speaks ill about another soul. She has laughter in…
Project Feeder Watch
If you are a regular reader you already know that we are studying Birds this year. We are studying in Apologia’s Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day. Through some of the extra links that the publisher provides for students via their website. I discovered, The Cornell University Lab of Ornithology’s Project Feeder Watch program. This is a program where regular people, like you and I watch and count the different species of birds that hang out at our feeder through the winter.I registered and for a small fee, I was sent some basic materials which arrived today. I’m very much looking forward to doing this with Little Man. Our feeder…
Devotions: Worship & 30 Days Link Up
This is an older post, but I am renewing it here. It goes along with the study I am currently doing on Santification wtih the Digging Deep in God’s Word group. Last year we were studying the shadows of reflection between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Currently this month we are looking at the priesthood, the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. I remembered this article and wanted to share it again. Worship I’ve recently been thinking a lot on this subject, Worship. I’ve been reading through the book of Exodus with a group of women on facebook. We are seeking to dig deep into the meat…
Marriage Moment: Absence and the Heart & 30 Days Link Up
Marriage Moment: Absence and the Heart My Beloved is now travelling on the weekends for freelance work. First, I am extremely thankful that the Lord is providing for our family in this way. Yet, when he leaves I feel a little pang of regret that he will be away. We’ve all heard the statement “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” For me this is very true. For 9 months before we got married Beloved and I were in college in 2 different states. I thought my heart would explode from the pain. It’s not that bad now, I do believe I have matured a bit with age. Yet, I do…
30 Days: Blog Readers & Leibster Award!
30 Days of Giving Thanks: Day 11 Thankful for my blog readers. It was a little more than a year ago that I started blogging. It started out as a natural progression from writing notes on facebook. I wrote little notes for my friends to see what was happening in our homeschool. Those notes got longer and the ideas started flowing. That’s when I created this blog. I didn’t imagine that more than just a few close friends would ever read my posts. What I have found instead is a vast online community where people (mostly women) from all over the globe encourage and support each other in word. My…