
Sick at Homeschool

This month is not shaping up to be a great school month. Starting off with travel for not 1 but 2 weeks and the second being an unexpected travel that I wasn’t prepared for. Followed by sickness, both Little Man and I have horrible coughs with a touch of fever, which makes it hard school.

I am so very tired of life getting in the way of school. Would it be different if he were in public school? Would I send him out the door with a cough? No. Especially if he has a fever, the school would just send him back home.

I want to curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and not do anything. He wants to watch ‘Hotwheels Battle Force Five’ all day, because he’s a boy and that is what he likes.
I feel guilty when we take sick days. I feel like I’m cheating or failing in my responsibilities somehow. Logically I know it isn’t true. Public school children miss days for sickness. I’ve even known them to take time away from school to go to Disney World. I know that we most likely accomplish more in a school day than the average public schooled child. But still, I continue to try to hold myself to some unknown standard. Why do I do that?

I’m going to try to get back to it today. Hitting the books when you feel like you can’t breathe is not something I am looking forward to, but I’m going to see how it goes. He is a couple of days ahead of me with the illness, so perhaps he’s up to it. If he can focus then we will continue. If I can’t focus, well, I guess it’s a good thing dad is home, right?

How do you decide when it’s appropriate to take a sick day? What standards do you use in your homeschool?


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