• Homeschool

    Online Teaching Resource for Middle School

    Middle School e-Learning with Standard Deviants Accelerate Disclosure: While I received use of SDA for free and am being compensated for my time, as always, opinions expressed are completely my own.    As a homeschooling mom to a middle school student who studies at accelerated academic levels I find using an online teaching resource to be an excellent tool for increasing the number of subjects I am able to teach . Having an opportunity to review Standard Deviants Accelerate with my son has afforded me the freedom to explore and refresh my own skills in subject areas while providing supplemental e-learning for my middle school student.   Using Standard Deviants Accelerate…

  • Gifted Homeschool,  Homeschool

    Who is Teaching Whom? Gifted Teaching

    Multiple Grade Level Learning   You would think that home education with only one child would get monotonous, same old stuff day in and day out. I will admit, that sometimes during the winter months it can feel like that. Most of the time, however, the excitement I see on my son’s face as he learns new concepts, is just about the most fascinating thing I’ve ever seen. A little history here. We first noticed that our son was a bit unusual at around 20 months when he first learned to spell his name. Soon after that he learned to say the alphabet both forward and backward. By 2, he…