This Week…After a Week Away
Back to Book Learning
You may have noticed that I’ve been MIA for the last couple of Saturdays. I am really sorry about that. On the one hand, I’ve been in a bit of writers slump and on the other hand we also were doing some travelling. If you follow me on social media then you know that Little Man and I went to Cleveland with Beloved and spent a week doing some field trips.
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to products and services relevant to homeschool.
This week we are back home and back to the school books, so to speak.
Two weeks ago we finished up our study of Saul and David. I decided to take a break from our Old Testament study. We will return to it in the fall. For spring we are doing a study of Christ in the latter part of His ministry. We are using Life of Christ, part 2, from Pryor Convictions Media. I am really enjoying the way this study is laid out. Little Man is being given every opportunity to really dig deep and study about the Lord. I will be posting a full review soon.
While we were in Cleveland he started reading “Hubert Invents the Wheel” a silly book about a boy who manages to accidentally invent a lot of stuff. He also read “The Story of Jamestown” and in the encyclopedia letter “L” he wanted to know about Louisiana.
Returning to Khan Academy this week after a bit of a break. He received 2 badges this week, but struggled with algebra. His emotional intensity kept popping up during those assignments and he made small mistakes. In algebra missing a simple step usually leads to a wrong answer. Little Man finds it hard to accept missing a problem. So frustration was the emotion of choice this week. I sat with him and helped him work through the steps and it was obvious that he knew them, but was overlooking them in order, while trying to complete the equations in his head. Sometimes slower is better. Try convincing your child who struggle asynchronous behavior and emotional intensity of that.
While we were in Cleveland we visited the aquarium, and the zoo. Both of which offered him an opportunity to see swimming creatures up close. I love that many of the fish he read about in his current lesson, lion fish, sea horses, were right there in those tanks. He finished up lesson 6 yesterday and he was so excited about all that he was learning, he went online to learn more.
Gym & LEGO Club:
We finished up the 3rd session of gym this week and will begin the final session on April 7th. there are several things about this particular gym that I really am thankful for. 1. The coach, Coach Q, really works with the kids, gets to know them and encourage them. He makes exercise fun and Little Man actually begs to go back. 2. This year Little Man has met and gotten to know some boys his own age. They are growing their friendship and he is thrilled to get to spend time with them. This same group of boys get together for LEGO club and Chess club as well. Today he goes to a birthday party for one of the boys and he has been so excited about it all week long.

Aren’t you thrilled that spring has finally arrived, I am. That is why I’m hosting a giveaway this week. Go over and register to win one of four Art & Nature study eBook bundles.
What has your week been like? Be sure to link up your blog post below.
in Cincinnati and I sure would love to meet you there. Register today.
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shelly sangrey
Glad to see you back! I hope you all had a good time away!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Yes we did, thank you Shelly.
Lisa Boyle
So glad to see you’re back! 🙂 Looks like a wonderful week of hands-on learning. Love it!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Thanks Lisa! It’s good to see you.
Glad you are back. I understand the emotional intensity and frustration. That is my son. He was working on starting a fire with flint and it was hard. I was just praying he would not quit. He got and we celebrated that he didn’t quit. I did tell him I was praying for him.
I want to hear more about this gym class… we might be interested for next year. I’m still reading your Ohio Homeschooling book and looking forward to doing some of the field trips you shared. – Diane J.