
This Week… Homeschool Highlights

Finding encouragement in routine & Friends

This week we settled back into our regular routine after last week. I am working on being a little more structured in my planning. I’m giving a new planner a try which I hope to share with you soon.

I am busy prepping for I will be speaking at next Thursday. I’ve been trying to put the final touches on my presentation so I can spend a few days simply rehearsing. It will be about Learning with LEGO and I am excited by both what I have discovered and being able to share it with fellow homeschool moms. 

I love sharing with you the products that I love to use in my homeschool and through my you can find these products through reputable retailers. I only share links to products that I feel would be of value to you in your homeschool.


Bible Study Guide is proving to be better than I ever imagined. With the new student pages that I ordered this year I am thrilled with the application portions that come along with the pages. These portions help children to discover how each portion of scripture applies to their own life in an age appropriate way.
BSG Application
Still in Judges Little Man discovered that even if someone dedicates false gods in the name of the Living God, they are not pleasing Him, but rather seeking their own way.


We got back to reading Tirzah, by Lucille Travis. This week we explored the time the Israelites were camped at Mt. Sinai. Through the eyes of these fictional characters we see how the camp was divided. Those who wanted to seek and serve God alone and those who were seeking to find their own path which lead to destruction.


Little Man is finding Swimming Creatures of the 5th Day to be thrilling. This week he began Lesson 3 which is about Pinnipeds. If you are like me you may not know that a pinniped is a 4 finned mammal such as walruses, seals, sea lions and manatees.
Seals and sea lions
I can always tell when he is excited about all that he is learning because he starts telling me all the fascinating facts as he’s reading. I so need to teach him how to take notes in his “Fascinating Facts” section of his notebooking journal. 


In my quest to find a math that fits my sons skill levels while still challenging him I am giving a new product a try. I will soon be reviewing this and sharing more details about it, stay tuned for a complete review.

Creative Writing:

Taking the skills learned in  Write Shop B. Little man began brainstorming a story about a turkey. This is a story he is making up and not one in the book, so rather than stifle his creativity I’m letting him run with it.


This week we moved into Latin Primer II. I wanted a more challenging level for him, so we progressed. I like the structure that this product offers. The wordlist which shows both the Latin form and the English form coupled with the Lesson help the student to see how Latin formed the roots which led to many languages.


We continued on in our homeschool gym for the 2nd quarter.
Unexpectedly and due to some unforeseen circumstances our LEGO club ended up at our house. Well, half of them did. My tire was flat and since we typically meet at the building where my family attends church and I am the key holder, I was set to cancel. Called and left messages. 2 of the moms got back with me and offered to come get us. I asked them if they wanted to come over and they did. The kids had a great time playing together and they built some amazing structures in their brief time together.

Homeschool Group:
We moved into our second quarter. We are diving into our own LEGO Learning. The student were given 2 challenges. Each week they will be given challenges designed to test their creativity and that will help them to learn to work together as a team.

Ok, homeschool mom, it’s your turn. What was your week like? What was the best moment? How were you encouraged? I’d love to chat with you about your homeschooling adventures. To help you do this, I am starting a conversation on my facebook page to give you a place to share your homeschool week highlights. Stop over and let me know what your week was like.

Homeschool Week Highlights

If you are a blogger who shares your highlights on your blog, join the “This Week…” link up below. 

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