Marriage Moments

This Week… Needing To Be Held

This past week, I went ‘home.’ Home for me will always be at the base of a mountain in West Virginia. I was able to spend some much needed time with my folks. My Little Man was able to spend some much needed time with his mammaw and pappaw.

I grew up in a very small town, surrounded by family, extended family and those folks who married into the family. On one side of my parents house was my own mammaws house, and on the other side my uncles place. Just 2 doors away was another aunt and above her my other uncles house. That’s my daddy’s side, in the same holler (yes I know it’s supposed to be spelled hollow) my mom’s family lived as well,
her grandma and grandpa and some uncles. That’s who lived in the holler, in the town was spread throughout many cousins, aunts, uncles and the like. Daddy was the youngest of 9 children. Over time the family members have left town for various reasons, many of which due to seeking jobs or coal company buy outs. What once was a tiny town became a ghost like town. Only a few loyal citizens remain. Among them are my mom, dad and my uncle.
Over the week I spent with them reconnecting, sharing stories and histories and just being home. My uncle came and chatted with us. He and daddy have lived next to each other their entire lives. Daddy is 76, Uncle Herschel 83. Both of them married women named Norma Jean. Mom being younger became just Jean. Aunt Norma Jean passed away a few years ago.

I left there Saturday morning to make the treck back to Ohio. There was snow moving in and I wanted to get back before it got too bad, but I ended up driving right through the middle of the storm. I made it safely home, my Beloved was out of town working a freelance job, around 2:30 in the afternoon. Once I got the car unpacked, and everything put away, phone calls to my parents and Beloved to let them know I made it home safely, I sat down to check email, facebook and blogging messages.

I wasn’t on long before I saw a message that made my heart stop. A friend from highschool posted that he heard on the police scanner (that’s just something people do in WV) said that an ambulance was called to my family’s holler. With nervousness I read through the posts to see what was up, then I saw it. My cousin posted that her grandpa died. It took a minute for me to really understand that, then reality dawned. My Uncle had died. The uncle that I had just seen the day before, in fact I was the last one to see and talk to him.

My Uncle, Aunt and Daddy
Now there are 2 remaining. 

My dear daddy, is heart broken. He and his brother were best friends. They had spent their entire lives living next to each other, first in the same house then in 2 houses. They even worked at the same place, on the same shift doing the same job. He will forever miss his best friend.

In that moment, all I wanted was my Beloved. I needed to hear his voice, but more than that, I needed to be held in his arms. There are no words to explain how badly I needed to feel his arms wrap around me and hold me. In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to be held in the arms of my best friend, my Beloved.


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Marriage Moment

I’m Linking With:

Consider the LiliesThe Alabaster Jar
A Proverbs 31 WomanThe Proverbs 31 Sanctuary
Why I Love My Husband


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