Welcome Spring!
Art & Nature Study Homeschool Giveaway
It happens every year. Winter seems long, dark and cumbersome and then spring arrives and signs of life begin to emerge once again. The sun brightens our days and our hearts and we feel a little lighter. I’m always amazed when I see plants peeking through the ground that just a couple of days before was hard and icy, but it happens every year.
This post contains affiliate links for homeschooling during the spring season. You can read more about affiliate links by visiting my disclosure page. Thank you for being a loyal follower of Great Peace Academy.
Today marks the first day of spring for 2014. This week even Little Man is asking if he can go out and play. Of course I said, “Yes!” Spring has arrived here in Ohio and even though we may yet have some snowy days the fact remains that the season is spring and life seems just a little bit easier than during the winter months.
I’m really looking forward to getting out of the house, enjoying some sunshine and some nature walks. I plan to use some of the marvelous nature study books from Cindy West at Shining Dawn Books. I’m starting with her Creative Nature Walks eBook which has over 100 creative ideas for getting out and exploring nature.
Cindy West has many other nature explorer unit studies and she has graciously offered you this exclusive discount.
Spring Nature Study Exclusive Discount
Now through March 31st, 2014 you can get either Beautiful Birds or Wonderful Wildflowers from Shining Dawn Books for only $6.00 each. Just use the code: GreatPeace.
Spring and Art Go Hand in Hand
Since we are thinking about spring, I’m planning on letting Jonathan explore his artistic passions this spring, by using Southern Hodgepodge’s just released A Simple Start in Spring Chalk Pastels, which you can get for just $7.99. Actually, I personally love chalking and I decided to try my hand at the flower in the canning jar lesson. What do you think?

To celebrate the spring arrival I’m hosting a giveaway!
Giveaway Details
- 1 Winner will receive: 1 Early Spring Bundle NaturExplorer Series (3 eBooks) and A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels Spring (1 eBook).
- 1 Winner will receive: A Simple Start Chalk Pastel Bundle including Spring (5 eBooks) and Nature By the Season: Butterflies Flutter By (1 eBook).
- 1 winner will receive A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels Spring (1 eBook) and Beautiful Birds Nature Study (1 eBook).
- 1 winner will receive Wonderful Wildflowers Nature Study (1 eBook) and Simple Start in Chalk Pastels Spring (1 eBook).
Register Now for your chance to win these awesome eBooks for Spring.

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I love Spring!!! Can’t wait to get outside with the kids for a Sun-day instead of a Snowday! We love bird watching and have many feeders in our backyard….so really hoping to win the bird book 🙂
Renee Aleshire Brown
Oh I like that! Sun-Day instead of Snow Day. Yes, we do need some of those. 🙂
We’re looking forward to exploring outside. One item on the agenda is the Bison hike at Darby Creek. BTW, nice job on the chalk art; I know that’s one of your talents.
– Diane J
Renee Aleshire Brown
Ooh Bison Hike! I gotta hear more about that!
Have you been to the new Darby Creek Nature Center? Here’s a PDF on it http://www.metroparks.net/UserUploads/UserDocuments/2012-Docs/Battelle-Darby-Creek-Nature-Center-WEB.pdf Visit the metro parks website to see when they are doing the bison hikes. I believe there are 2 or 3 scheduled & they say the best time to view them is while the leaves are off the trees.
Renee Aleshire Brown
I’ve never been to Darby Creek. Did not know they had bison. Thanks for sharing!
Alicia Charmbury
Nature study and gardening!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Oh I so want to garden this year! 🙂
Kayla Arrowood
Being able to picnic again outside!!
Heather Bellman
We’re planning on focusing on exercising outside now that Spring has arrived! More running, bike riding, and hiking:)
Renee Aleshire Brown
Sounds like fun Heather.
David Wheeler
This would be wonderful. be a great complement to our family membership to the Audobon Society and their classes.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Oh yes that would be a great combo.
We spend lots of time outside and my son is always asking questions about types of birds and bugs and stuff. We have an awesome nature center close that offers lots of activities that we attend when we can.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Oh what a great way to teach! An inquisitive child is the best way to inspire learning.
Kimberly R
We are looking forward to planting a vegetable garden this spring! Plus being able to play outdoors more instead of being stuck in the house.
Renee Aleshire Brown
I know outdoors just seems so much better after such a long cold winter, doesn’t it?
We are looking forward in doing our nature studies, especially going out on the trails.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Nature studies are so fun and I love that surprised look that comes over a child’s face when they make a discovery!
We are looking forward to getting outside and enjoying the sunshine & signs of new life!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Sunshine! Yes! I’m looking forward to that as well. 🙂
I am looking forward to getting my children outside after this cold winter. I want them to run around and explore on their own as they are still quite young.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Ah, yes that is a great way to celebrate spring!
Nothing is more beautiful then springs blooms!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Planting a garden and enjoying the sunshine!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Sunshine! We have missed you. 🙂
I’m looking forward to going on some nature walks.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Me Too!
I am inspired by your canning jar chalk art. I know the kids are ready to be outside. We should do some nature walks together!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Thank you. 🙂 Yes we should!
A Learning Journey
I am looking forward to doing more nature walks this spring. I am also excited about the events that occur in April including the Butterfly Festival and the Dinosaur Museum Visit. There is also an Earth Day library event we plan on attending this spring. I look forward to beautiful weather, taking a camping trip before it gets too hot, going to the park to play, and more.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Those sound like some awesome things to look forward to!
Playing outside in the evening. Warmer weather — but first we need to move.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Oh a move. well it’s good that you have spring to do it in rather than a foot of snow.
Catherine Walker
Can’t wait to start our garden. We’ve built the bed and just now need to wait till we get back from vacation to plant. Great giveaway!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Thanks Catherine!
I need to start planning our garden.
Taking walks!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Walks are good and bring a lot of energy to the home.
We are looking forward to spring so we can play outside for longer periods of time.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Yes, outside play is the best! So is reading in the apple tree and swinging for hours, and soaking up some Vitamin D. Um, yeah, can you tell I’m ready?
tammy cordery
I can’t wait to grow lady bugs and butterflies. We love it.
Renee Aleshire Brown
That sounds like fun!
Kathleen Parker
We are looking forward to nature study around our pond.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Oh that sounds great! What a nice feature as a homeschooler, having a pond in your yard!
Tammie Dillard
I am looking forward to gardening and making up cycled spring decorations for our yard with my daughters!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Fun, fun! I’m not very crafty, but I always look longingly at others crafty up cycled things.
Chrystal Bliske
As always your chalk art has be salivating to purchase my own (it is on the agenda for next year finally lol). I love all the books. In all honesty I’m most looking forward to the nature walks and gardening that are coming up, here we have to wait until after Mother’s day to plant anything outside and be sure there will be no killing frost but that doesn’t mean I can’t start the seeds inside 😉
Renee Aleshire Brown
Thank you Chrystal! Perhaps you will win a fabulous chalk eBook! 🙂 I know what you mean about having to wait for the right time to plant, after frost. We have to wait a bit longer here in Ohio too! I have friends in Texas who are already planting!!!
I am excited to see everything growing again! I love seeing the flowers coming up!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Me too! I’m researching some gardening on Pinterest!
Jean Miller
I just love seeing little signs – the birds beginning to build nests and little green shoots! I am looking forward to building a cold frame this year and birdwatching with the daughter. Happy Spring from another Ohioan!
Renee Aleshire Brown
I love seeing the birds coming back too. I hear them right now tweeting away. Makes my heart glad. And Happy Spring to you as well. 🙂
Spending more time outdoors with the kids. My daughter loves to bug hunt!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Wow, a girl bug hunter. She is a rare one! 🙂 But still that is awesome.
Rachel Q
Honestly…baseball w/ the family!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Baseball is a great way to spend a spring day! Enjoy. 🙂
King's View Academy
lots of hikes and walks !
Renee Aleshire Brown
🙂 That will be a fun way to spend time with the children.
Shannon Wallace
We are enjoying the beautiful Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush! Also, we’re busy planting and tending our garden.
I love your chalk creation of the canning jar!
Renee Aleshire Brown
You must be much further south than I am! Enjoy your growing season.
Thank you!
Playing outside!
Renee Aleshire Brown
I think this year in particular a lot of children are looking forward to playing outside!
Becky Milstead
I’m looking forward to taking our school work to the park on a beautiful spring day. Play a little, work a little, picnic a little, etc. 😉
Renee Aleshire Brown
That sounds lovely!
shelly sangrey
I can’t wait to start taking them to the creek again because they love exploring and finding little critters.
Renee Aleshire Brown
🙂 I loved exploring the creek when I was a little girl. Loved looking for craw daddies!
Helene Smith
PE! We are doubling and tripling the amount of time we spent outdoors. We’ve already been to the zoo, played endless rounds of badminton and gone flower picking. We’ve also been examining our early spring vegetables to learn about the parts of a plant!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Wow! you are definitely ahead on the spring learning curve. We still have nights in the 20 degree weather!
Amanda Hopkins
We are excited to actually play in the snow now that it is warmer and not so cold! And having the windows open 🙂
Renee Aleshire Brown
Spoken by a true northerner. 😉
Liz Seiltgen
Swim lessons (um, we live in Florida).
Renee Aleshire Brown
Ha! Well yes I suppose in Florida that makes sense.
Outside picnics…cannot wait! Thanks so much for the chance!!!!!
Renee Aleshire Brown
You are welcome!
We plan on resuming our nature walks and starting a garden.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Fun. Enjoy your time outdoors.
I am looking forward to time spent out doors with family and new grandbabies to come;)
Renee Aleshire Brown
oh new babies is fun!
Dianna Auton
Totally looking forward to enjoying more time out of the house.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Yes, the walls start closing in don’t they?
Time outside in the sunshine and warmth!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Warmth sounds good. 🙂
Ooooooh I can’t wait to start this years nature studies!
Renee Aleshire Brown
🙂 I know it’s exciting huh?
Southern Girl
Dd just did a chalk drawing in art class, so pretty!
Renee Aleshire Brown
I love chalking. I’ve been doing it myself for about 4 years.
Just being outside and playing. Also, getting the garden going good. I can’t wait for the wind to stop blowing. 🙂 – Lori H
Renee Aleshire Brown
Oh I so know how you feel. Flurries flurries go away come again on a winter day! Welcome Spring. 🙂