• A Mother's Role, Why You Should Discipline Your Child | Renée at Great Peace
    Bible Study,  Blog,  Christian Parenting,  Devotionals for Women

    A Mother’s Role and Why You Should Discipline Your Child

    From the earliest of ages, you can begin to discipline your child. The word discipline, means to disciple, to train to act in accordance with rules.   There are many forms of discipline, but the purpose of this discussion is to explore why you should begin to discipline your child from the earliest age and continue to teach, lead and guide discipline all the way to adulthood.   This post contains affiliate advertisement links.   We talk about the role of motherhood and understand that it’s a role that is immersed in protection. A mom cares for her child with diligence. But, that isn’t the only role that mothers are…

  • How to set your Heart Free from a Prison of Overabundance | Renée at Great Peace
    Blog,  Devotionals for Women,  Family,  Homemaking,  Marriage Moments

    How to Set your Heart Free from a Prison of Overabundance

    Are You Imprisoned by Abundance? Have you ever looked around at American culture and noticed how much we truly have? From grocery store shelves to transportation to technology, our choices seem endless. Secular education is available to all, and jobs exist in fields I would never have imagined. Yet, in all this overabundance we are dissatisfied. The Struggle with Overabundance Someone else always has a bigger income or a nicer house or more popular clothes. Women, especially moms, exist in a pressure cooker of expectations. We are expected to work outside the home because we are told that success means having more and better than everyone else, while at the…

  • 10 Powerful Scriptures for Training your Son's Heart for Responsibility | GreatPeaceAcademy.com #ihsnet
    Bible Study,  Boys,  Christian Parenting,  Devotionals for Women,  Family,  Homeschool

    10 Powerful Scriptures for Training your Son’s Heart for Responsibility

    With Free Responsibility Scripture Art Printables In our home, we’ve been focused on training our young man in responsibility for his future role as a husband, provider, and leader. Training a boy to be responsible can be a difficult task. This can be especially true for moms.  For some reason, boys tend to “buck up” and listen when dad speaks more so than when mom does. It could be this way with girls too, but as a boy mom, I only speak from my own experience. God has created them with a specific purpose. He desires men to be leaders in the home and in our churches. They’ve got buried deep…

  • How to be light of hospitality to your community. By Renée at Great Peace
    Bible Study

    How to be a Genuine Light of Hospitality to the World

    Being hospitable comes naturally and easy to some while others can feel overwhelmed, shy and perhaps even unsure of what to do. I tend to be a little of both. Once I get started with a plan, I tend to feel natural in the process but often feel unsure that others would want to share in my hospitality. Whenever I have those feelings I tend to duck and cover, so to speak. By that, I mean I often act like an ostrich sticking my head in the sand for fear of being rejected rather than jumping in and doing. But I know that I have a responsibility to being hospitable. …

  • 5 Things to Pray for your Future Daughter-in-Law
    Bible Study,  Boys,  Family

    How to Pray for Your Future Daughter-in-Law

    I’m a boy mom. One day, he’ll be a man and hopefully, find a wife of his own and begin his own family. I want to have a great relationship with my future daughter-in-law. Not as an overbearing mother-in-law who doesn’t know her place, or as her bestie, nor as a replacement of her own mom. But, I do want to have a relationship with her that allows us to communicate, share in family life in a compatible way, and trust each other as sisters in the Lord.  “And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” Matthew 21:22 NKJV That’s why a long time ago, shortly after…

  • What is Authentic Christian0 Hospitality by Renée at Great Peace Academy
    Bible Study

    What is at the Heart of Authentic Christian Hospitality?

    The Heart of Hospitality It is clear that scripture teaches us that Christians are to offer hospitality, to each other and as an act of entertaining strangers. But I think too often we become distracted with trying to serve perfectly than we lose focus toward offering authentic Christian hospitality. The reality is we are told to serve. We are told to love others. We are told to extend hospitality. But, do we have a skewed view of what hospitality is? Has it become more about self-righteousness than it is about hospitable hearts? Do we seek to exalt ourselves in the eyes of the one to whom we are being hospitable, or do we seek…

  • Is Christian Hospitality a Lifetime Commitment? by Renée at Great Peace
    Bible Study

    Is Christian Hospitality a Lifetime Commitment?

    In the word of God we see hospitality both demonstrated and instructed. We only see the word hospitality in the Bible a few times, yet we see it demonstrated beautifully throughout the word of God. From the king and High Priest Melchizedek, through the beautiful stories of Jethro the father-in-law of Moses and Esther the unexpected queen, to the mother-in-law of Peter, the troubled Martha and the generous Lydia we learn that to be of God, means we show love and kindness to others as we open our homes and hearts to the world. Our Christian Responsibility Toward Hospitality Hospitality Demonstrated Throughout the Old Testament we see hospitality extended. Melchizedek, Genesis…

  • Given to hospitality a scriptural study by Renée at Great Peace
    Bible Study,  Family

    Given to Hospitality

    A Scriptural Study of Hospitality “Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.” 1 Peter 4:9. For the next few weeks I want to focus on to hospitality. Scripture is clear that we are to be hospitable, especially within the church. Yet, do we have a skewed view of what hospitality is? Has it become more about self-righteousness than it is about hospitable hearts? Do we seek to exalt ourselves in the eyes of the one to whom we are being hospitable, or do we seek to honor them above ourselves? Let’s examine scriptural hospitality. This will be a 4 part series. What is Hospitality? A Christian’s Responsibility in Hospitality, Heart Matters…