O Worship the Lord
The LORD is God of all. He is the creator of this world, this universe and all that is in them. We try to stand in society and debate this. We try to prove it. But scripture tells us: Did you know that God does not need us to defend Him? No, God will defend those who rejoice in Him. But He doesn’t need us to defend Him. He is Judge. The judge does not need a defense. He calls us to Worship Him. If we do that, we show our faith to the world. He calls us to love one another, by this we declare we are his disciples. He…
The Light of the World
On the first day of creation, God said “Let there be light, and there was light.” Have you ever taken time to think about that? I’d like to ask you a question to consider. What is the source of that light? One might say, The sun, it is the light of the earth. God must have created it first. If we continue reading through the Genesis one passage we learn that it was on the 4th day of creation that He created the sun, the moon and the stars, (Genesis 1:14-19). So that takes us back to the first day and leaves the question unanswered. What was the source of the light…
Praise for the Lord
I couldn’t say it any better than this. This is how I wish the leaders of our government would honor the one who gives so graciously…. I Chronicles 29:10-18 10 Therefore David blessed the Lord before all the assembly; and David said: “Blessed are You, Lord God of Israel, our Father, forever and ever.11 Yours, O Lord, is the greatness,The power and the glory,The victory and the majesty;For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours;Yours is the kingdom, O Lord,And You are exalted as head over all.12 Both riches and honor come from You,And You reign over all.In Your hand is power and might;In Your hand it is to make greatAnd to give strength to all. 13 “Now therefore, our God,We thank YouAnd praise Your glorious name.14 But who am I, and who are my…
One Word: Trust
I’m joining with a group of bloggers over at Only a Breath. Melanie is hosting a One Word Party on the 15th of each month for the year. Each blogger selects one word that is important for their lives and uses it as a reminder of God’s loving promises. I chose the word TRUST. This word is to be a reminder to me of one my favorite verses in scripture. This is actually not the first time this word has been my guide. The verse was the yearly theme at our congregation the year that God brought Little Man into our lives. It became our peace when we worried over…
Don’t Be Overcome by Fear
Don’t Be Overcome by Fear Have you ever been held back by shear fear? Maybe you want to ask your neighbor if they know the Lord, but are afraid it will make for an awkward relationship afterward. Maybe you want to begin working in an area of women’s ministry but you fear that your ability to speak clearly to others about God is lacking. Perhaps you aren’t sure whether to home-school because you are afraid that you aren’t capable of teaching your children all that they need to know. Whatever the case may be fear is an emotion that can be a hindrance to the work that God calls us…
This Week… Service, Intensity, Dates and Support Group
This has been one of those jumbled, schooling when we can kind of weeks. Monday we were prepping for the luncheon that Little Man and a few other homeschool children form our congregation hosted for the older single women. Tuesday was the day of the luncheon. It was beautiful watching Little Man and his friends, open doors, take coats and get drinks for those ladies. It was so special seeing the smiles light up the ladies faces as they were catered to from the first course, to the dessert course. Then the pride in a momma’s heart as each of those children stood before those women and spoke for the first times…
Teaching Servitude
Sometimes it’s hard to find the right place for Little Man to serve others. His emotional excitability makes it difficult for me to find just the right niche. I previously read “Cindy Colley on Homeschooling” which I reviewed about a month ago. But, while reading it I was inspired to connect with the other 2 homeschooling families at our congregation and host a senior women’s luncheon. Well actually, the kids are hosting the luncheon the mom’s are just steering the ship so to speak. As a homeschool mom but more importantly as a Christian I know that I can’t wait around to be asked to help with something. Sometimes… when…
Devotions: Walk in the Spirit, 30 Days to Give Thanks: Day 21
In our Sunday evening worship our minister, Anthony, has been doing a study of the Spirit and how he works in our lives. We have mostly been studying from the book of Colossians. For the past few days this verse has been coming to my heart. I believe it goes along well with the study I have engaged in on sanctification. I’m sure we will come across this portion of sanctification in a future study, but it has so been on my heart that I decided to share it here.To read more see here: Walk in the Spirit _________________________________________________ 30 Days to Give Thanks: Day 21 Thankful for the Elderly Today…