• Teaching Homeschoolers about the Elephant Poaching Crisis with a Family Friendly Film | Renée at Great Peace #homeschool #savethelephants #elephantconservation #ihsnet
    Blog,  Family,  Homeschool

    Introducing the Elephant Poaching Crisis to Homeschool Students

    You know that in our family we purpose to spend time together as a family. What that looks like is a variety of family time activities depending on what’s going on in our world. This month our family time was a family movie night that also doubled as a lesson in elephant poaching.  When you have a child who has emotional sensitivities it can be hard to introduce concepts related to elephant poaching. Which is why having something visual, that explains the situation in a lighthearted way, can be a great solution to introduce hard concepts.  Teaching difficult concepts is easier when you weave together a learning experience that incorporates…

  • Winter Games Unit Study Resources | Renée at Great Peace #homeschool #unitstudies #wintergames #ihsnet
    Blog,  Homeschool,  Printables

    Winter Games Resources for a Homeschool Unit Study

    I love the season of international games. It doesn’t matter if it’s the summer games or the winter games. For the summer games I like to watch gymnastics, swimming, diving and track & field. It might surprise you to learn that my favorite winter games sport to watch is curling. I’m just very amazed at what they can do. I also love watching ski jump and ice skating. This post contains affiliate advertisement links to 3rd party sites. Winter Games are fun! And they make a great topic for a unit study! Because I know many of you would like to do the same, I’m sharing some winter Olympic study…

  • Creative Writing Fantasy Story Prompts for Homeschool | Renée at Great Peace #homeschool #creativewritng #storyprompts #ihsnet
    Blog,  Homeschool,  Printables

    Fantasy Story Creative Writing Prompts for Teens Who Love Adventure Video Games

    In my home, creative writing is the most difficult subject. My son simply doesn’t enjoy the process. Over the years I’ve come to understand that for him to find value in the process he needs to feel like it’s relevant to his way of thinking. He needs to know that it’s valuable to his own interests. Which is why Fantasy Story Prompts are helpful. This post contains affiliate advertisement links to 3rd party sites. I don’t know about your kids, but mine is fascinated with fantasy adventure video games. The games where the player is taken through a fantastical adventure, unlocking clues as they interact with fictional characters along the…

  • Homeschool Notebooking 101 - What You Need to Know | Renée at Great Peace #ihsnet #homeschool #notebooking
    Blog,  Homeschool,  Printables

    Homeschool Notebooking 101 What You Need to Know

    Notebooking, It’s much Easier than You Think Notebooking is one of those terms that you might hear often in homeschooling circles. If you are new to education at home, or, you’ve been homeschooling in a traditional way, you may not be aware of what homeschool notebooking is, and how simple it is to incorporate it into your homeschool routine.  This post contains affiliate advertisement links to 3rd party sites where products purchased may result in paid compensation for this blogger. What is Notebooking? Notebooking in it’s simplest form is journaling what a child learns. The beauty of notebooking is that it’s progressive. As a child learns, they document, in their…

  • Self-Guided History for Homeschool High School | Renée at Great Peace #homeschool #history #highschool #ihsnet
    Blog,  Curriculum,  Homeschool

    Using a Self-Guided History Curriculum for High School Homeschool

    By the time a student is in high school they most likely are working at an independent level. This is true for my son. It’s been true for several years now. In fact, he’s become his own teacher so to speak, while I’ve become more of a facilitator ensuring he is completing assigned work, reviewing any needed content and tracking his work. This new system is made all the easier with the use of a self-guided history curriculum. This post contains affiliate advertisement links to 3rd party sites. Notgrass History has been such a blessing to our homeschooling lives. It started a couple of years ago when I was busy…

  • 10 MORE Fun Ways to Study the Periodic Table | Renée at Great Peace #science #chemistry #homeschooling #ihsnet
    Blog,  Homeschool

    10 MORE Ways to Study the Periodic Table of Elements

    Science can be dry and boring. Or, it can be an exciting hands-on adventure. And the periodic table is no exception. Oh sure, that table is full of what could be dull facts that can make many the student’s head swirl with boredom. But, that table also contains a lot of fascinating information.  I wrote previously about 10 cool ways to study the periodic table and it’s become one of the most searched out posts on my site. There are some cool ideas there and you should really check it out.  But first, I decided to bring you another 10 ways to study the periodic table.  This post contains affiliate…

  • 100 Must-Read Things for Parents of Gifted Children to Read | Renée at Great Peace #gifted #gtchat #ihsnet #homeschool
    Blog,  Gifted Homeschool,  Homeschool

    100 Must Read Things for Parents of Gifted Children to Read

    Being a parent to a gifted child is in itself a gift. Although, there will be many days when we’ll think it’s the opposite. Parenting a gifted child comes with great joys as well as extreme frustrations. Often we are tested in our role as parents. On the one hand we become, seemingly the only advocate for our own children. On the other hand, we struggle to manage the day to day need to fill our child’s mind like we’d fill their stomachs.  Knowing how to find a balance between letting them soar, and letting them be children at the same time isn’t an easy task. In fact, it can…

  • 10 Resources for Outsourcing Homeschool Math Instruction | Renée at Great Peace #math #homeschooling #ihsnet
    Curriculum,  Homeschool

    10 Best Homeschool Math Outsourced Options Online

    Math can be one of those subjects that gives pause to many homeschooling teachers. This mom included. It still gives me pause as my son speeds past my abilities time and time again. But one of the best pieces of homeschooling advice I’ve ever learned was the  idea of outsourcing. I do this with online math resources. This post may contain affiliate links to products at 3rd party sites where items may be purchased resulting in paid compensation to this blogger. Outsourcing is where you allow your child to learn under the tutelage of someone else. This can be completed in a variety of ways. Online, using a digital curriculum,…