• A Call to Serve with Purity in Marriage by Marriage Moments at Great Peace Academy
    Bible Study,  Family,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: A Call to Serve

      A Call to Serve with Purity in Marriage We live in a culture where marriage the way that God intended it has come under attack. Whether it is from the increased rate of divorce or the social change that seemingly is being forced upon us as Satan attempts to crush God’s plan for the sanctity of marriage through sinful homosexual practices, through pornography which deceives and harms and tears down so many marriages, through adultery and evil sexual practices.  If he can tear down the marriage he can tear down the nation. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom…

  • Bible Study,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: His Way or Her Way

    What’s Your Marriage Moment? Would you like to join me by adding your own Marriage Moment? You can link any post that Encourages Marriage. Please link back to my Marriage Moment either by adding my link to your post or adding the Marriage Moment button. Click the inlinkz Tool Below and Follow the Instructions. If you have the time, visit with other links and offer encouragement. Happy Marriage Everyone!  I’m Linking With..      

  • Marriage Travel, when a couple must travel separately. Marriage Moments at Great Peace Academy
    Bible Study,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Travel: Going and Coming

      When Married Couples Travel Separately Occasionally a husband and wife have to leave each for various reasons. Perhaps the wife needs to go and spend time with her family or he must go away for business.  This past weekend was such an occasion for Beloved and I. He stayed home with Little Man, and on Saturday had a freelance job to attend to, while I traveled with a friend to a homeschool convention in Cincinnati. I loved my time with my friend Jen and I enjoyed my time at the convention. I loved lingering in the bed on Saturday morning with my feet up and not rushing from here…

  • Bible Study,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: He’s Missing the Point

    Maybe you heard this recent news. My husband sent me the link and as I read it I was stunned. You see, I think that he missed the point. Former President Jimmy Carter, known for his Christian beliefs and family values, has chosen to sever ties with his affiliated denomination, the Southern Baptist church stating that he was doing so because of their stance on a woman’s role being in submission to the husband. I am not Baptist, but I am Christian and as I read the article I thought to myself, ‘He’s missing the point.’ You see I don’t believe this is a doctrinal belief isolated solely to the…

  • Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: The Lord’s Provisions

    This year our resolve to TRUST in the Lord’s provision is being tested. He has proven true and faithful over and over. With husbands job loss comes financial strain. We at first never imagined that he wouldn’t quickly find a full-time position. But as the days passed to weeks and then weeks into months it seems more likely that this will be a long wait. Waiting is hard. It simply is not in our human nature to want to wait. It certainly isn’t our “cultural norm.” But God desires that we wait for His promises to be fulfilled in our lives.   He tells us many times in His word that…

  • Family,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: Mama Says

    I’m sorry this post is going up so late today. I haven’t been feeling well and spent most of today in bed. Now on to Marriage Moment:I recently was blessed to spend a couple of weeks at my mom and dads. They have been blessed to be married for over 56 years. While there I explained to my mom about this little weekly blog posting that I’ve been doing. (My parents do not have a computer!) I asked her what bit of advice from her experience would she give to young brides. “They need to learn to talk to their husbands.” was her reply. She went on to explain that…

  • Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: All Things New

    This past weekend I was privileged to help coordinate the wedding ceremony of a beautiful bride and her groom. This couple came to know the Lord this past December. Shortly after becoming Christians they began to study to learn how to become good parents. You see, they had previously brought a beautiful little baby girl into the world. As they studied the scriptures to learn what God desires of good parents they came to realize that He desires that they be married. So they set out to make that happen.  They are babes in the Lord and have come to understand that God makes all things new.  Revelation 21:5a  “Then…

  • Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: Night Owl Vs. Early Bird

    God creates every person different. He creates us with different talents and abilities. He creates us with different personalities and appearances. Photo Courtesy of Art by Amanda Hilburn For me, He created me to be a night owl. I’m nocturnal, well mostly, and there just is no getting around it. My mom says that I was that way from the time she brought me home from the hospital. She spent plenty of long nights up walking the floors with me. I never understood that until my own son came along. He too is a bit of a night owl and when he was a baby I walked and rocked him…