
Friday…Seeing Field Day

It’s 5 Minute Friday! I link up with The Gypsy Mama and her friends on Fridays. The rule…She gives a topic and we free write for 5 minutes and just 5 minutes.


Today I was priviledged to see… 142 homeschool children laughing excitedly.
I got to see 54 homeschooling families come together to work as a team to provide a fun and fabulous Homeschool Field Day!

It was a fun sight to see… 12 teams compete in games like, rubber chicken relay, pizza box relay and plunger ball relay. It was super cute to see 5 year old girls and boysracing to put on swim gear like innerubes, facemasks and flippers. How fun to see 12 year old hopping on hippity hops, oh and shaving cream it did fly…

Now I’m starting to see… the possibilities for next years day!

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