Household Chores to Tackle in Summer
,Summer has finally arrived. It is hot, people are scheduling their vacations and the garden is in full bloom. Busy families don’t a lot of time for household duties and chores over these months. This is because school is out, warm weather is in and many moms find it too easy to let life slide when it comes to managing the household chores.
Summer goes much more smoothly if you make sure to keep tabs on the household chores.
While it’s true that summer can be a busy season, isn’t it also true that we could, if we chose to, enjoy the lazy days of summer by letting our kids have some free-time. We don’t have to schedule every moment of their summer. In fact, I think we shouldn’t. Let them just be kids who enjoy playing in sprinklers, inviting friends over for hanging out. Or, just sitting in the hammock reading a book.
And while our kids are enjoying a slow, lazy summer, there are several Household Chores to Tackle in Summer, that will keep your home in fantastic working order, all year long.
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5 Household Chores To Do in the Summer Months
1- Outdoor Projects
Summer is the perfect time to take advantage of that warm weather and get outside to work on your landscaping.
After all, the outside of your home is important too. Whether you are watering plants, cutting the grass or simply just taking care of general maintenance, now is the time to start and finish all those outdoor projects you have been meaning to get to.
- Power wash the siding
- Update the front porch decorations
- Update the edging around the flowerbeds as needed.
- Trim overgrown hedges.
- Do a thorough cleaning of your car, both inside and out.
- Launder your bedding, and hang on the line to dry in the summer breeze.
2- Pest Patrol
Now is the best time to inspect your garden and yard for pests like termites and carpenter ants. If you have signs of an infestation it is a good idea to contact a local exterminator. You want to get ahead of these household pests before they become an indoor nuisance.
If you prefer a non-toxic, all-natural, solution try this essential oil based product; Aunt Fannie’s All Purpose Pest Remedy. It is effective against roaches, ants and spiders without bombing your home with harsh chemicals.
3- Clean Patio and Sliding Doors
Summer is the season to have your doors and windows open, so it is as good a time as any to be sure they open without trouble.
If your doors are sticking, use a bottle of all-purpose degreasing cleaner, a lot of rags and a screwdriver.
Generously spray the tracks of the door and allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes to pull away any dirt and grime. Wrap the screwdriver with a rag and pass it through the tracks to remove the gunk that is causing you door to stick.
4- Have a Garage Sale
The sun is shining, and the weather is nice, so it is a great time to host a garage sale. If you have any clutter or items left over from your spring cleaning these can now be sold to make some extra money.
This is also a good time to sell any items that your children may have outgrown or that you find you have no use for anymore.
5- Perform Safety Inspections
Your family’s safety is of utmost priority to you, as it should be. The summer months boast a fantastic time to thoroughly inspect all both inside and outside equipment to ensure that they are all in working order.
- kids bikes, scooters, etc.
- helmets
- outdoor play equipment
- tree branches that may need to be trimmed
- check gutters
- check the doorbell
- check to ensure your locks are in working order, and you have keys for each
- check the smoke alarm, and carbon monoxide detector
- change filters in heating/air system
- change water filter in fridge/sink
- repair and paint yard fencing, as needed
- have a professional inspection of your roof
- have a preofessional inspection of your HVAC other household vents
- have a professional inspection of your sewage system
- have a professional inspection of your chimney
Summer is a great time to get away, spend the day splashing in the pool, or take a trip to the zoo. But, it’s also the perfect time to remember to tackle warm weather household chores.
Just make sure to play close attention to outdoor projects, clean your doors, have a garage sale and perform safety inspections on all your household equipment. In no time, you will be back to enjoying your summer without a care in the world.
What other household chores do you like to manage in the summer time? Tell me your best summer household management tips in the comments below.

While You Are Here Be Sure to Read These:
- 35 Sensational Summer Dinners Every Family will Love
- Organizing Your Household Digital Files
- 15 Family Bonding Activities Your Family Will Love