How to Prepare for Homeschooling High School
I’m preparing for 8th grade. How did that happen? But as I prepare for 8th grade it occurs to me that we need to begin the process of preparing for homeschooling high school. We need to begin researching so that we can lay te groundwork for a successful high schoolThat means, we need to look ahead to determine the probable outcome for our child.
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We plan to lead him toward college but aren’t opposed to a trade school or a school of ministry for our child. Either way, preparing as if he is going to college will only allow him to be all the more qualified for other choices. At this time, he seems fairly certain that he wants to be an architect or engineer, which will mean a math and science intensive future.
As his homeschool teacher/mom it falls to me to recognize areas where he needs to grow as well as areas where he needs to focus growing his skills.
With that in mind here are 10 areas where I’m planning to focus my efforts as I’m preparing for homeschooling high school.
5 Areas I Need to Research for Homeschooling High School
- Research requirements for college admissions to schools that we might be interested in applying.
While it may seem a bit early, the reality is as a homeschool mom, I’m teacher and guidance counselor. Without a good understanding of what he will need for college admissions, I’ll not prepare him appropriately and then we’ll be trying to pull together credits in his last year or two.
- Create a plan for covering a course list along with a projected date for completing each course.
Once I have a good idea of what he will need, I’ll need to create a plan to cover the needed credits in a reasonable way within the timeframe that we hope to complete high school.
- Create a record keeping system.
While I currently keep records, I’ll need to be more diligent regarding how I manage those records. I’ll also need to keep a structured listing of what material each material covers so that I can appropriately identify a course of study for transcripts.
- Learn How to Transcript
I’ll need to add in a transcription system so I can track credits. I also need to start, um, gasp, ahem, gasp, — grading his work so that I can track credits.
- 5 Foundational Areas we need to work on through the 8th-grade year.
- Knowing what comes next I want to be sure that my child is learning to manage his time.
- I want him to continue to grow into being an independent learner but with the ability to seek help wen needed.
- I want him to have good research skills and also be able to prepare essays, and reports that convey wat he has researched.
- He needs to work on developing a good understanding of the scientific method.
- He needs to continue to grow his math skills.
- This is a big one, he needs to learn how to take, gasp, ahem, gasp, tests. As in, be prepared for ACT or SAT.
What about you? Are you preparing for homeschooling high school, yet? How many years do you have before it’s time to plan ahead? What are your biggest concerns?
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