First Day of Homeschool 6th Grade
This is our 7th year of homeschooling, so with Kinder, Young Man’s “6th Grade” year. We don’t generally follow grade levels. However, we do for Bible class at church so when asked he answers whatever the grade level he is there. Disclosure: There may be affiliate or sales link within this post. We started the day off with breakfast (cereal and juice for him, toast and coffee for me), then getting dressed and chores. I am so glad that a few weeks back, before I went out of town for a week and a half, that I spent a good amount of time going through our new curriculum, and writing…
Homeschool Curriculum at The Academy for 2014
Not Back to School: Homeschool Curriculum Hop Are you ready to not go back to school? Yes, this is the time of year when parents across the country are making the decision to either for the first time, or continue to exercise their right to educate their children at home. This will be the 7th year of homeschool for me and my family. Today I’m joining with my friends at the iHomeschool Network to share our Not Back to School Curriculum Hop. This is where we share the curriculum we have chosen for the coming year. As a homeschool mom to an only child who is a gifted learner, I have more ability to…
Revealing How I Teach Homeschool
Part of the iHN Winter Hopscotch Have you ever wondered what school looks like in another persons home? We all have different families with different teaching methods and learning styles. We all have different philosophies when it comes to education and our approaches all look quite different. What works for one, may not work for someone else. I’m a mom with a boy who is an advanced learner, who happens to also be an only child. So how I teach will look different than how you or another will teach. Mom’s with multiple children obviously have much more to juggle than we mom’s of one. Keep in mind that mom’s…
Science Study for Gifted Students
Overview of Survival on the Reef My favorite resource for gifted and advanced learning materials is Prufrock Press. So, I was thrilled as a reviewer and affiliate marketer when I was given a free copy of Survival on the Reef by Colleen Kessler in exchange for my honest review. At Great Peace Academy we are spending our school year exploring the animals that live in the waters of the earth. Because of that, I feelSurvival on the Reefis an excellent resource for my son who is a gifted learner to dive in and explore more information than is generally presented in text books. This activity book guides students in scientific…
How I Teach Math for Gifted Homeschooler
My Secret Homeschool Math Instruction Disclosure: This post contains review products that I received for free in exchange for my honest review of the product and affiliate links please see my full disclosure for full details. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I am not a math genius. Really! I’m not. In fact, I am not very good at math. My brain gets pretty befuddled when given a bunch of numbers and asked to make sense out of them. I knew early on that my son however is very good at math. I also knew that he would very quickly surpass my ability to teach him.…