Embracing Gifted Intensity
If you are the parent of a gifted child and haven’t learned about gifted intensity you most likely have experienced it. Emotions are a part of every human life. Emotional Intensity is as natural for a gifted individual as breathing. Children who have minds that process neurological functions at a faster rate also process emotions at a faster rate. Parenting Children with Gifted Intensity As parents to a gifted child, we can choose how we will respond to emotionally intense moments. We can choose to embrace the reality that our children are intense and learn to work with and teach coping skills. We can choose to embrace the heart matter realizing…
Little Man Big Emotions
Emotional Intensity in the Gifted Child I have been struggling this week and last as the teacher of a child with emotional intensity and asynchronous tendencies. Last spring I really began to research gifted and talented tendencies in children. First, let me say that I believe all children have unique gifts and talents. This identification is in my opinion a misnomer. That being said, they are the terms used by educators, psychologists, pediatricians and scientist used to describe people who have a higher IQ than the average person. Beloved and I have not yet chosen to have our son’s IQ tested. Even among the experts there are very mixed opinions…