
This Week… Ah Summer Weather

We have had a long, long, long winter. I feel like we didn’t really have a spring. In fact just last week we had frost on the ground. But this week summer weather has arrived.
Little Man made a choice a couple of months ago, he decided he wants to do Apologia’s Exploring Creatures of the Fifth Day, Swimming Creatures. But he wasn’t finished with Flying creatures, so I told him he’d have to do it in summer. He agreed. So Tuesday and Wednesday he worked in science, writing and math.

In Science he continued his study of Insects. He really likes it, and he’s working without any grumbling or complaining. In fact, he seems quite happy about it. Maybe there is something to this schooling year around.

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He also worked very well on his writing assignments. In fact, he quite surprised me with a not one but two very well written stories and 1 that needs some work. But! To have sat without complaining, writing and humming along. Then, presenting this mama with 3 written pieces that are far beyond a basic sentence. Well I was just about to burst with pride. But then, I told him, since I KNOW you CAN write well. You can’t fool me any more.

Math: A Khan Academy…  I love it. Read an interesting article today. Perhaps this is the reason that suddenly his “suggestions” are further along than I would imagine him being ready for. Because of this change is software they are now able to identify skill level from multiple parameters. I’ve decided to have him focus on Geometry through the summer. Then we shall see what he will be ready for come fall.
Piano. He finished up his final lesson for this academic year, we take a break from summer lessons. I can’t tell you how impressive it is for him to adapt to music so quickly. If only he would adapt to realizing that his teacher knows more than he does. Ah, but that’s his life.
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This week in our local area. Homeschool mom, to 5, extraordinaire Angela Engle, hosted the 4th Annual Homeschool Field Day. This field day is unlike any other! Oh, sure there are sack races and relays, but then there are Plunger Roll Relays, My Cup Overflows, Drop and Pop, Wet n Wild, Water shoot out relays. It is a day FILLED to the max with fun, fun, fun. There is much laughter on the part of the 122 participants. There are smiles on mama’s faces as they watch their kids having silly fun, and there is much, much excitement and anticipation when, at the end of the event, we pass out Gold, Silver and Bronze medals. After it is all said and done, you have some super hyped up kids and some EXTREMELY EXHAUSTED moms.

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I had not planned to go this year, due to other life events that are happening this same weekend. Then I was able to offer some needed organizational help and we were in on the event once again. I’m glad we went because these are memories that Little Man will treasure for a lifetime.
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              Oh So Much Fun at Homeschool Field Day!

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