
This Week…Olympic Science Friction

Olympic Week #2

This post contains affiliate links which I think go perfectly with an Olympic Unit Study. Thank you for supporting Great Peace Academy.

Oh snow. Just when I thought we were done, Ohio having missed out on the winter snow that laid snow in abundance across the south, we have received an additional 3 inches so far since last night. Our snow from the previous week has yet to melt off so we are sitting with about 14 inches as of now.

Beloved travelled to Indiana yesterday and it was treacherous, he was in stop and go traffic for quite a while. School-wise, I’ve continued the Olympic unit study. However, this mom was sick this week. Beloved and I have been sharing a virus of some sort over the past few weeks.


In Bible Study Guide for All Ages, he studied about David sparing Saul’s life, grace and mercy. He learned that it’s better to obey God than to even protect one’s own person. Now isn’t that something to think about?


For science we utilized The Science of the Olympics educational lessons on provided by NBC and He learned about friction involved in curling as well as surface tension and vacuum. I did an impromptu science experiment where we used a cup in a sink full of water, and used the surface tension to create a vacuum. 

Then of course being fun…we created a vacuum with the cup on our mouths.

scientific study in Olympics

He also watched another video about the physics of figure skating and learned about angular momentum, vertical velocity, force and reaction. I then taught him about Newton’s 3rd law of motion.


Continuing his reading of Olympic sports he learned about figure skating, great moments in Olympic history, and skeleton racing.
  Reading about Olympics


He worked with area, and perimeter in calculating a ski trail, he also used an algebraic equation to determine a points in ski jumping.


For vocabulary this week I combined vocabulary with science study. He learned about momentum, angles, velocity, force and reaction.


This week he did a chalking from Southern Hodgepodge A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels with the Olympics. He did a snowy mountain scene. Have I mentioned how much I love chalking and I have personally been doing chalking for a few years. I do it for the purposes of creating Bible class visuals. like this one.

Winter Mountains Chalk Pastels



Finished up a gym quarter on Monday, although Michael drove him because I was in bed sick.

LEGO Club:

We went to LEGO club this week. He was thrilled to discover that my friend Amy is a Whovian and spent a good deal of time quizzing her on Dr. Who trivia. He built a Tardis and a Cyber Man out of LEGO Bricks.
Lego Tardis

For Fun:

We watched curling and figure skating, and alpine skiing and ski jumping and… o.k. so the TV is perpetually tuned into the Olympics. Have I mentioned how much I love the winter Olympics? Which is kind of funny since I don’t love other sports.
Oh yeah and then there is this, he built a castle out of dominoes. Just because he could.

Fun Domino Castle

I’ve started feeling better by the end of the week. Thursday was my stock up the kitchen grocery event. While I was out and about I had to pick up some clothes for Beloved. Can I just say the selling season in retail is simply insane!!! Like we have 14 inches of snow on the ground and they are selling…. Bikini’s. Um, but couldn’t find what we needed, thermals. Oh how messed up our country is!


What about you? How was your homeschool week? 
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