
10 Reasons To Go to Great Homeschool Conventions

Attendance is a Must for Homeschoolers

10 Reasons to Go to GHC

I am thrilled to be an affiliate blogger for Great Homeschool Conventions who are sponsors of my blog because I truly love to go to the convention in Cincinnati. 

This spring will be my fourth trip and I am looking forward to going more than ever! 

I’ve been to other conventions and I really feel that nothing compares to what they have to offer. I’ve learned much, laughed a lot, cried tears of relief, and always walk away feeling refreshed and encouraged for one more year. 

10 Reasons To Go to GHC

  1. So many vendors they can’t fit them all on one webpage!
  2. Topic specific speaker tracks to meet every homeschooling need. (Newbies, co-ops, gifted, special needs, legalities, parenting and so many more).
  3. Laughter! (Kirk & Casey Martin, Mark Lowry)
  4. Encouragement
  5. That moment when I am talking to someone and realize they understand what I am feeling/going through/need.
  6. Fellowship with a few thousand other homeschooling families. 
  7. Used book and curriculum vendors.
  8. It’s like taking continuing education classes for the homeschool teacher!
  9. Dr. Ben Carson, um, need I say more?
  10. Ok, just one more, friendship! I get to meet, connect, hug and interact with friends, blog colleagues, and maybe you. If we bump into each other be sure to say “hello” and give me a big hug! Seriously. 
Homeschooling is tough. Some days I just want to throw in the towel. Going to a Great Homeschool Convention helps me to remember my goal of providing the best education possible for eternal purposes. 

To find out some more reasons to go to Great Homeschool Conventions visit with my friends at iHomeschool Network

Are you a regular attendee of GHC? If so What are your reasons for going? If not, what are you waiting for? Register Now! You won’t regret it. 


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