30 Days to Give Thanks: Day 23
We are nearing the end of the month of November. The Thanksgiving Day is behind us. That does not mean that we should stop being thankful. That’s why my co-host and I decided to have our blog hop party for 30 days. It’s not too late to tell us what you are thankful for.
Today I am thankful for Vacuum Cleaners
Yes, I know that is such a small thing to be thankful for. After all vacuums have been around for well over 100 years. Today I set to deep cleaning Little Man’s bedroom. I must say it has been a very long time. My previous vacuum had not been working well and I had put off deep cleaning for several months. A few weeks ago I was able to find a clearance deal at Target for a great Bissell vacuum. So today was the day. I moved his bed and furniture and vacuumed beneath them. I used the brush and vacuumed dust from walls, and windowsills. I deep cleaned his room, changed out some decorative things, because let’s face it, he is not a toddler anymore! I can’t begin to imagine how long that process would have taken without an electronic vacuum cleaner. So I am very thankful that I life in a time when such conveniences are readily available to me.
Luke 15:8
Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it?
Most gracious Father, I thank you that I live in an age of convenience. I thank you that you have given man the knowledge to invent such machines as vacuum cleaners, and that you have blessed my family with the ability to purchase one at a cost we could afford. I thank you father for granting me the strength and ability to clean Little Man’s room today. I pray asking humbly that you strengthen me to continue being the keeper of the home and that I will do so with a joyful spirit knowing that in so doing I am fulfilling your will for my life and that I am serving my family through the work of my hands. Bless you O Lord for knowing what is right and good for the roles of women within the family. May I honor you with my work. Through the blessed name of Jesus Christ I pray.
And Don’t Forget, Davonne is offering two 75 % off Coupon Codes for her e-book to all participants of this Link Up. You must Link your blog to the Link Up’s direct link and you must list your Thanksgivings in your link, to qualify. Links without thanksgivings will not qualitfy.
Disclaimer: 28 Days to Timeliness is an affiliate and I may receive compensation for purchases made through my site.
Five Minute Friday:
Joining up with Lisa-Jo Baker for a Five Minute Friday Writing Party
Today’s Topic: Thank You
“Thank you for the world so sweet. Thank you for the food we eat. Thank you for the birds that sing. Thank you God for everything.”
This was the first prayer I learned as a child. It was the first prayer that I taught Little Man. It is simple and pure and filled with thanksgiving. The purpose isn’t to teach the child vain repetition but rather to teach them to say thanks to God and to teach that All things come from Him.
Do we really consider where all things come from? Do we give Him true credit for everything that exists, even the things which are ultimately crafted by the hands of man? For without the immeasurable knowledge that He grants to the minds of man, there would be nothing whatsoever that we could think up on our own. He is the grantor of knowledge all knowledge.
So to the Father and Creator of All. I say… Thank You.