• Train up hearts for the Lord, by Renée at Great Peace
    Bible Study,  Christian Parenting,  Devotionals for Women,  Family

    Train Up Hearts for the Lord

    Mothers hold a special place in the lives of their children. As mamas we are uniquely blessed with qualities of gentleness, love, and tender hearts.  This is especially true when we are endeavoring to teach them from God’s word. It’s important for parents to hold God’s word in high regard in front of their children. We are to “…train them up in the nurture and admonition of the word.” Ephesians 6:1. We see that godly instruction throughout scripture, from Deuteronomy chapters 4, 6 and 11 to the Psalms and Proverbs and into the New Testament.  Because we as mothers are equipped with gentle hearts we can reach down to teach out children…

  • Crushing the barren woman's heart on social media. | Renée at Great Peace
    Bible Study

    Crushing the Barren

    This may be one of the most difficult posts I’ll ever write. Why? Because it is very personal to my heart. It’s one I’ve wanted to write for a long time, yet, it always felt too personal, too intimate, too hard to put into words.   But, as social media continues to grow as the number 1 form of communications. As more and more people begin to use Facebook, Instagram and other forms of media that allows one to upload images of themselves to share with the world, the more my heart grows hard.  Yes, hard. I don’t want to have a hard heart. I don’t want to tell myself to…

  • The Kings of Israel a Biblical Board Game at Renee at Great Peace
    Bible Study,  Family,  Homeschool,  Reviews

    Kings of Israel a Biblical Board Game

     I love a good board game. When I was a kid, we sat around the table playing all kinds of games. It didn’t matter if it was a board game or card game. In fact, it didn’t matter if it was a real game or one we made up. One game we liked to play was Who Am I? a Bible game where daddy would ask us a series of questions about a person in the Bible and each question would be a bit easier than the last. Of course, we (my siblings and I) wanted to get the answer right on the first try. But we rarely was able to do…

  • Bible Study,  Devotionals for Women,  Homeschool,  Reviews

    Growing Up in God’s Word Bible Study Review

    Teaching Bible Study Skills I’m taking a break from teaching from the Old Testament in our homeschool. I’ve decided to spend the spring teaching about the latter part of the life of Christ. I was given an opportunity to review Growing Up in God’s Word, Life of Christ Part II, which I received for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own. I am also sharing affiliate links to Amazon.com where you can purchase this and other study guides.When I was a little girl my parents were earnest in having family Bible study time. My daddy would read from the scripture, to my mom, myself…