Misdiagnosis of Gifted Children
Moms Know Their Children Best As a homeschool parent to an advanced learner, I want to recommend products which I find to be beneficial to my son. I do this through affiliate links, please see my disclosure policy for full details. Thank you for your support of Great Peace Academy. I knew, as I sat in that doctor’s office when Little Man was 4 years old. I knew without a doubt that what was being spewed out of that doctor’s mouth, a doctor who literally had just walked into the room meeting us for the first time, was wrong, oh so wrong. As I tried with all of my being to say that…
I Got Mail
From the time I was a little girl I loved to get mail. Where I grew up we didn’t have at home delivery. We had to go to the post office to check for mail. Whenever there was a card or note that was written for me, I was thrilled. Over the years that feeling has not diminished. I mean no one likes getting bills in the mail, or even junk mail and I am not the exception to that. But, I love getting mail directed to me.A few weeks back I joined the Ultimate Blog Party over at 5MinutesforMom.com. With the link up party came opportunities for signing up…
Marriage Moment: A Call to Serve
A Call to Serve with Purity in Marriage We live in a culture where marriage the way that God intended it has come under attack. Whether it is from the increased rate of divorce or the social change that seemingly is being forced upon us as Satan attempts to crush God’s plan for the sanctity of marriage through sinful homosexual practices, through pornography which deceives and harms and tears down so many marriages, through adultery and evil sexual practices. If he can tear down the marriage he can tear down the nation. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom…
Training up in Worship: Toys
This post will most likely step on some toes. If that’s the case, know that I write it from a heart that loves souls. This is the one where I talk about toys in the worship assembly. I’m going to share my opinion regarding them. I’m going to talk about when and what are appropriate and when they aren’t and what isn’t appropriate. If you have a true desire to grow as a parent, to grow in the spirit and to help your children to grow up into the Lord’s family, then I pray you will read with an open heart and mind. If you are comfortable with your status…
Acceleration: What is it?
To Advance or Not to Advance? Very recently there has been a story running viral around the internet about the Harding family that has sent 6 children of their 10 children to college by age 12. You can see the story, from the Today Show News here: Meet the family who sent six kids to college by age 12 I’ve watched with fascination different people on facebook give their opinions as to whether they think this family is doing a great thing for their children or if they think they are simply nuts. I’ve watched and not commented even though every fiber of my being wanted to comment, support and…
Marriage Moment: His Way or Her Way
What’s Your Marriage Moment? Would you like to join me by adding your own Marriage Moment? You can link any post that Encourages Marriage. Please link back to my Marriage Moment either by adding my link to your post or adding the Marriage Moment button. Click the inlinkz Tool Below and Follow the Instructions. If you have the time, visit with other links and offer encouragement. Happy Marriage Everyone! I’m Linking With..
Training up in Worship: Set the Standard
In this series on Training Up in Worship. We’ve come to some practical advice time. I’ve laid some foundations. Training begins with infancy, requires repetition and begins at home. I know you are curious for how to go about the practical application while in the assembly. I can hear what you are thinking. ‘It’s too hard with 2, 3 or more children.’ You are right that it is hard, but it isnt’ TOO hard. After all we are told… “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13. You as the parent just have to make the decision to set the standard and stick with it.…
Worship Training Begins at Home
Training Up in Worship: Begins at Home Maybe you are thinking, “What’s the big deal? They are just kid’s let them be.” The big deal is these babies, toddlers and children will not remain children for very long. They will soon enough grow up and begin to form their own opinion, their own choices, and they will become responsible for their own actions. They will be responsible to the Lord God of Heaven for the choices they make. Your job as a parent is to train up or prepare their hearts for these choices. If you wait until you can reason with your child, it may be too late. We…