How to Foster Creativity in Gifted Children
Creativity can be a natural for many gifted children. Some seem to be born with an innate ability to draw, paint, build, or express ideas in a creative way. That said, creativity is also a skill than can be developed. In fact, creativity is a skill that parents can foster within their gifted children. The key is finding what your child is interested in, and then, providing them opportunity to explore that interest in creative ways. By fostering creativity within your gifted child, you can help them mature emotionally, mentally and socially. Allowing them to explore and create their own creative interests can also help them to build confidence. Creative…
LEGO Therapy for Developing Social Skills
Help Build Social Skills with LEGO® Therapy for Gifted & Other Special Needs Children Let’s face it many gifted kids and teens struggle to communicate with neurotypical people. It doesn’t matter if they are talking to older, younger or same aged children. The struggle is real. LEGO Therapy is a method developed for kids with autism but the principles of this type of therapy could be used to help gifted and 2e children as well. This post contains affiliate advertisement links to 3rd party sites. I am not a licensed therapist. I’m a homeschooling mom to a gifted child. I share this post and ideas for information purposes only. Please check…
Gifted Education in America
Have you ever wondered about gifted education in America? Do you wonder if gifted children are being given the right kind of opportunities? Are they being led toward careers that can change the world? “Why are you trying to push him ahead? Just let him be a kid.” This is a phrase I’ve heard on several occasions. Perhaps well-meaning, they miss the reality of who my child is and only see the scope of education through their own perspective. It seems reasonable to think that if a parent were requiring a child to work at levels far ahead of their abilities and expecting them to perform some task, some expectation of greatness that…
100+ Homeschooling Gifted Resources
Challenging the Gifted Mind Homeschooling is daunting for anyone. Factor in the child who has an intense need for more mental challenge and any homeschool mom would find herself feeling overwhelmed. Because these children learn, understand and assimilate information at a faster rate, they become bored quicker and lose interest thinking they have mastered a given problem or puzzle. This post contains affiliate ad links. They have a constant need for more, more information, more challenges, more puzzles, and more knowledge. Have you ever had a child come in from playing outside on a hot day, and they get a glass of water and drink it down…
Social Instruction for the Gifted Child
Children need instruction. They need to be taught how to interact in social situations. This is especially true of children who have a tendency to be intense. Emotional, physical and social intensity coupled with over-excitability are often seen in the gifted child. Which is why they have such a deep need for social instruction. This post contains affiliate ad links. It seems that children who have gifted abilities struggle to find their place in the world. In talking with other moms, and reading through several books, I’ve learned that this phenomena is not an isolated issue but exists across the population of gifted children. Of course, there may be exceptions…
Embracing Gifted Intensity
If you are the parent of a gifted child and haven’t learned about gifted intensity you most likely have experienced it. Emotions are a part of every human life. Emotional Intensity is as natural for a gifted individual as breathing. Children who have minds that process neurological functions at a faster rate also process emotions at a faster rate. Parenting Children with Gifted Intensity As parents to a gifted child, we can choose how we will respond to emotionally intense moments. We can choose to embrace the reality that our children are intense and learn to work with and teach coping skills. We can choose to embrace the heart matter realizing…
Gifted Homeschooling and the Need for More
One thing that is obvious from even the earliest of ages is that a child who has a gifted mind has an intense need for more. By more, I mean more of everything. A gifted child needs more opportunity, more information, more understanding, more encouragement. They have more emotions, more intensity, more cognition. They exhibit more knowledge,more understanding, more intensity, more anxiety, more excitement, more sensitivity, and often more energy. They simply want, need, and are more. Be sure to see my series on Gifted Homeschooling This post contains affiliate ad links to 3rd party sites. Gifted Homeschooling when Your Child Needs More I want to break…
Homeschooling the Gifted Child
For this series I am exploring different aspects of homeschooling the gifted child. If you are parenting a gifted child, or suspect that you have a gifted child, I hope you’ll follow along as I explore what it’s like to homeschool the gifted child. This post contains affiliate ad links. This post contains affiliate advertisement links to 3rd party sites. I’m a homeschooling mom to one amazing boy. It’s taken me a long time to admit that he is gifted because that term holds connotations that many believe is just another label in which to categorize people and children. There are some who believe that all children are gifted and…