Homeschooling 10th Grade with These Curriculum Picks
This year we’re homeschooling 10th grade. I’m going to be honest with you. Homeschooling high school still makes me nervous. Maybe it’s because of the pressure of knowing that these are the last years before my son launches into adulthood. This post contains affiliate advertisement and compensated links to products or services. I read other bloggers and experts on the subject, and have many homeschool blogging friends who assure me that it’s not as difficult as I may be trying to make it. And, I get it. But this is just me, sitting here realizing that I’m the only one responsible for the education of my son. If you are…
Homeschool Moms Misconceptions in Society
Debunking the “You Must” Mentality of Homeschool Moms Misconceptions I think there are a lot of homeschool moms misconceptions in our society. Many times we get questions, or stares, or comments that just goes to show that people think they know who we are. But, in reality they do not. Most often these come in the form of “You must…” This post contains affiliate advertisment links. 10 Misconceptions That Society Thinks You Must Have in Order to Homeschool
5 Solutions for a Bad Curriculum Problem
What’s a homeschooling mom to do when you’ve got a curriculum problem? If you are like me, you are a homeschooling mom who is working hard to ensure you are providing your kids with the best possible homeschool curriculum and materials. I’m sure you are doing your research, talking to friends, reading expert advice, perusing the aisles at conventions and reading blog reviews. Doing all you can within your power to be sure that when you make the decision to spend your limited budget on a homeschooling item that it’s going to be the one that will work. What will be even better is if that material solves an existing problem. This post…
Gifted Education in America
Have you ever wondered about gifted education in America? Do you wonder if gifted children are being given the right kind of opportunities? Are they being led toward careers that can change the world? “Why are you trying to push him ahead? Just let him be a kid.” This is a phrase I’ve heard on several occasions. Perhaps well-meaning, they miss the reality of who my child is and only see the scope of education through their own perspective. It seems reasonable to think that if a parent were requiring a child to work at levels far ahead of their abilities and expecting them to perform some task, some expectation of greatness that…
Notebooking Can Make Life Easier for Your Homeschool Students
Notebooking is one of the easiest ways to allow a child to explore their own interests. By allowing a child to write, draw, sketch and document their work in their own way, they will find freedom in learning. They won’t feel obligated to do it “right.” Because they get to determine what “right” is for themselves. This post contains affiliate advertisement links to 3rd party sites. Notebooking isn’t based on a standard of learning, rather, it’s a simple way for learning to grow through the hands and understanding of the child. They develop their own method, their own unique style of learning when given the freedom to discover. But,…
Books for Teens Who Love Fantasy Story Video Games
Teaching homeschooled teens who are fascinated with fantasy story video games can prove to be a challenge. If it seems as if they are so engrossed with video game play that they think of little else, it can seem as if it’s impossible to get them to actively engage in any other form of learning. But, if you meet them where they are you’ll be more likely to inspire them. To do this you have to realize that fantasy story video games are just that, stories. Which means your child likes the fantasy story that goes along with the games. So instead of requiring them to read material they aren’t…
Ten Free Learning Programs for the Summer
Summer is a great time for sprinklers, water guns, tree climbing and nature hikes. But it’s also a great time for no-pressure learning. Free learning programs make learning even better. Be sure to read all the way through to the end to discover all ten free learning programs. This post is a sponsored post containing links to 3rd party sites. I’m being fairly compensated for the blog post. Which is why I wanted to tell you about these marvelously free programs from the Homeshcool Buyer’s Co-op that you can utilize to offer your kids some fun, extra, often forgotten learning experiences. Whether it’s shoring up their grammar skills, diving into…
100+ Homeschooling Gifted Resources
Challenging the Gifted Mind Homeschooling is daunting for anyone. Factor in the child who has an intense need for more mental challenge and any homeschool mom would find herself feeling overwhelmed. Because these children learn, understand and assimilate information at a faster rate, they become bored quicker and lose interest thinking they have mastered a given problem or puzzle. This post contains affiliate ad links. They have a constant need for more, more information, more challenges, more puzzles, and more knowledge. Have you ever had a child come in from playing outside on a hot day, and they get a glass of water and drink it down…