Homeschool Schedules to Fit Your Family Lifestyle
Is your Homeschool Schedule Winding Down or Gearing Up?
Homeschool schedules are vastly different depending on the family. Some are choosing to school through summer, others begin their school year in January and transition with the calendar while others are choosing year round school, taking time off throughout the calendar.
Academic years are ending. Most schoolers are closing out a year and winding down for summer. But not everyone homeschools via an academic school calendar. Many homeschoolers are abandoning the academic schedule concept altogether.
This year I’ve made the decision to homeschool into the summer. I can’t say that it’s my ideal for a homeschool solution; however, I like the idea of taking time off as we go through the year. But, from time to time over the years I’ve selected to continue working into a portion of the summer, then starting anew later in September.
This year, my young man has completed much of his school work, but there were a few things that didn’t get accomplished. And, while I’m not one of those moms that feels like we have to finish every single book. I do think there were things missed that can provide a needed foundation for later learning. Thus, I’ve chosen to have him continue working through some of the material so he can begin to fully grasp what project and research work encompasses.
I know some of you may be at the end of the “academic year” and frustrated with how to round out the school year when there is more work to do. Or, you wonder if taking a full summer off is really worth it in the long run.
So I decided to pull together some options for you to consider how you might approach a year-round homeschool schedule.
- 9 weeks of school followed by 2 weeks off.
- 4 weeks of school followed by 1 week off.
- 12 weeks (3 months) of school followed by 4 weeks off (1 month).
- Set your own schedule. Most state homeschool requirements give a minimum number of hours, that can translate into any number of days or weeks that best fits your family schedule.
These are some out of the box types of schedules. And, that’s the key to being successful with your homeschool schedules. Think outside the institutionalized box. You don’t have to make your homeschool schedule look like an academic schedule, even if, you have to follow the state’s reporting schedule. Why? Because YOU are in charge of your homeschool.
Of course, you still meet the state’s requirements to report your intention, and/or follow up when required with assessments. But, that doesn’t mean that learning has to begin, or end, at that given time.
The reality is every homeschooling family has different needs so the best schedule for your family is the one that works best for you. Don’t be afraid to try something different. As long as you are following the requirements of your state’s laws, the way you approach the schedule, and the method of learning is entirely up to you.
How about you? Do you school through an academic year, calendar year or year round? What works best for your family?
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