Marriage Challenge: Focus on His Needs
In this Marriage Challenge, Day 2, we’re going to focus on his needs. Learn to walk beside him, helping him, and ensuring he has what he needs.
In the everyday of life we get caught up in meeting the needs of everyone around us. Sometimes it’s the needs of our children, other times it’s the needs of friends or neighbors.
We might even discover that we are so busy doing work for the church, acts of service, and general charitable deeds for others that we realize we’ve missed the mark when it comes to being a wife.
Remember that God created woman to be the help mate to man, Genesis 2:18. When we join our life to the life of our beloved husbands, we become their help mates.
Yet, too often we become overly busy helping others that we fail to help the one to whom we are specifically created to help.
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For day 2 of the Marriage Challenge: Focus on His Needs
I want you to spend the day focusing on his needs. You might discover it’s harder than you think.
- Make Him Breakfast
If you’re at all like me, you might be one who sleeps in. I do. Because I’m a night owl and can usually get more accomplished at night than I can in the morning. So I stay up late and sleep in late. But, doing so means I’m missing out on opportunities to meet my husbands needs.
He wakes early, showers, dresses and leaves for work. Often, he has to stop at a drive thru in order to get breakfast. I can meet his needs by getting up with him, making sure he has the clothing he needs, and making him breakfast.
- Pack His Lunch
For my husband, and I think a lot of husbands, it’s hard to break away from work and grab a bite to eat for lunch. But if you pack a simple lunch he can eat at his desk or perhaps in the car between meetings.
- Give Him a Hug and a Kiss
As he heads out the door, give him a hug and a kiss. Tell him you love him. This is one of the most important pieces of advice I’ve ever received.
It still holds true, no matter how long I’ve been married. Never part from each other without a hug, a kiss, and an “I love you.” Why? You never know what might happen while you are apart.
- Call Him
At least one time during the day call him. Be subtle, but inquire as to whether or not there are any errands he needs you to run, or anything he needs when he gets home.
Tell him that you are thankful for the work that he does to provide for your family and that you love him.
- Text Him
You may not know it, but an occasional text from you telling him that you can’t wait for him to get home so you can get a kiss can go a long way in reminding him just how much he is in love with you.
- Prepare His Favorite Meal
What is your husband’s favorite meal? For my husband it’s anything pasta. Take great care, prepare all of his favorite sides as well. He’ll notice, but may not realize how intentional you’re being.
That’s o.k. your goals is to please him, not get praise for yourself. So even if he doesn’t say anything, just go with it, because you’re doing it because you love him.
- Remember How you Dressed Today
Remember to update your at-home outfit for the day. This part of the challenge started on day one, but carries through each day of the 5-day challenge.
Add a bit of that lip-gloss because after that text you sent, he’s sure gonna want to kiss your lips when he arrives. I’m choosing to wear flowing skirts each of the 5 days.
What are you doing to look prepared for him when he arrives home? Tell me your casual but cleaned up choices in the comments below.
- Do Something With Him that He Loves to Do
Maybe he likes to watch World War 2 Documentaries, or a Soccer Match on ESPN, perhaps he likes to take an evening walk around the block, it doesn’t matter what it is, join him in it. Why? Because you are gently showing him that you care for him by participating in what he’s interested in.
- Do Something a Bit Unexpected
Give him a shoulder rub, or keep his glass refilled with a drink. Think of something you can do throughout the evening that is just a bit unexpected even if it is fairly simple to do.
- Go to Bed at the Same Time He Does
This one’s hard for me. Because I’m a night owl, I tend to stay up later than him. But I’m going to purpose to go to bed at the same time as him. Maybe you go to bed early while he stays up watching that soccer match, tonight, you stay up with him.
And remember what you wear to bed also matters and he may notice when you take care to wear something pretty to bed.
- Kiss Him Goodnight
The longer you are married the more likely it is that you might forget to kiss each other at bed time. I bet that day when you said your vows, you’d never imagine that you’d get to a point where you would not place importance on that goodnight kiss. It is important.
Yet, we can become so complacent in our marriage that we overlook it. Pucker up, and kiss him goodnight.
This part of the challenge, is a one day challenge. But, you might just discover something important in this day that you decide to implement in each and everyday for the rest of your married life.
He may not notice, he may be completely unaware of the work that you do on this day to honor him, but your goal is to love him with action, today.
Join me for this 5 Day Marriage Challenge
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This post series is a part of iHomeschool Network’s Summer Hopscotch.