Scriptures for Homemakers
It’s winter. Snow and ice are prevalent, and many long days are spent indoors. It often feels dark and like the house can become overwhelming. This is especially true for homemakers, homeschoolers, and stay at home moms.
That’s why I’m sharing 5 Days of Home and Keeping in Winter. Take a look at all five days to see what I’m sharing. Oh, and don’t miss the Free Scripture Art Printable pages for the Homemaker’s Soul below.
Keeping with Purpose
Making the choice to honor the God given role of being a keeper at home can sometimes feel like an overwhelming choice. Day in and day out of dishes, laundry, floors and scrubbing isn’t always fun. Sometimes it’s gross and many times it’s just monotonous.
But the role isn’t without its joy, comfort and purpose. I understand that homemaking, or keeping if you will, is about the comfort of my family. It’s about providing for the needs of each family member, including myself, so that we are furnished for every good work. It’s how I contribute to my family. It’s a service. It is my ministry.
But, like most, I have to be reminded of that purpose. I need encouragement to help me through the tedious tasks. So I turn to scripture so the word of the Lord can comfort, guide and energize me for the work ahead.
5 Scriptures for Homemakers
- Proverbs 24:3 & 4
“Through wisdom a house is built,
And by understanding it is established;
By knowledge the rooms are filled
With all precious and pleasant riches.“
God desires for me as a wife, mom and homemaker to use wisdom and understanding to build and establish my home. While I’m not actually physically building the structure of my home, along with my husband I am building a home that reflects the Lord. Through wisdom we discern what is right for our household management and what is wrong. Through understanding we establish the roles within the family, the rules we shall live by and how we manage the day to day the running of our home.
The second verse, verse 4, offers me encouragement as I work to provide the furnishings, linens, lighting, dishes and more. It allows me to see that I can provide comfort to my family. The thing is I know that the precious and pleasant riches is really more than the things I place lovingly in rooms, rather, it is the love, joy and comfort of my family that are the true precious and pleasant riches.
- Proverbs 19:14
“Houses and riches are an inheritance from fathers,
But a prudent wife is from the Lord.“
Through this proverb I can see that a prudent wife is from the Lord. The word prudent means; wise or judicious in practical affairs; discreet or circumspect; sober. It can also mean, careful in providing for the future; provident.
I want to be a prudent wife. I want to be wise in practical affairs and provide well for the future of my family. Doing so in a way which supports my husband, being frugally minded while helping him with financial matters may allow him, as a father, to provide an inheritance to our child.
- Proverbs 31:21
“She is not afraid of snow for her household,
For all her household is clothed with scarlet.“
As a wife and mom, it’s my responsibility to see to it that every member of the family has the clothing they need, fitted to their size and is in good condition. We see in this scripture that her household is clothed in scarlet. Scarlet indicates good quality, even wealth. Obviously, we all must tend to these needs in a manner which we can afford, considering the family finances. But in so doing, providing proper clothing for each season, I need not fear for the coming snow of winter because my family will be outfitted for the weather.
- Psalm 128:3
“Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine
In the very heart of your house,
Your children like olive plants
All around your table.“
I am a wife. So I should ask myself, am a fruitful vine? Within my marriage, in the family, in the home am I producing fruits of benefit to my family or am I a dead vine that does not help my husband and child to grow stronger? A dead vine is dangerous for the whole plant, If I want to ensure growth in my family I must be fruitful in the work given to me by God. Through my fruitful work, my child can grow into a strong olive plant and be a blessing around his father’s table.
- Psalm 121:5
“The Lord is your keeper;
The Lord is your shade at your right hand.“
This passage is so comforting to me. I have been tasked as the keeper of my home. It can be a weighty task. It can be an overwhelming task, it can be a labor-some task. But it is my task nonetheless. What comforts me about this verse is that while I’m a keeper of my home, caretaker of my family, God my heavenly Father is my keeper, my caretaker and He is faithful.
Free Printable Scripture Art for the Homemakers Soul
To help encourage you, I’ve created these Free Printable Scripture Art for the Homemakers Soul pages. You can print on 8 x 11 sheet of paper and then place inside a frame and hang on your wall. Need a little gentle reminder of your role?
Simply tape one on the cabinet next to the kitchen sink so you can reflect on it while doing dishes.
I hope you find these scriptures to be encouraging to you as you work at keeping your home. Keeping can be a rewarding and joyous as you watch your family flourish under your careful provision. What scriptures do you find to be most encouraging for the roles of homemaker? Let me know in comments.
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This Home and Keeping in Winter post is a part of the iHomeschool Network Hopscotch.
Debbie @ Bible Fun For Kids
I love the scripture posters! They are beautiful! Thanks for sharing them! I pinned it and shared the link on my FB blog page!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Thank you Debbie! I appreciate you!
Thank you for the little reminder about why we really do all the things we do at home! Great timing.
Sheryl recently posted…Feeling Frazzled? Get a New Perspective
Renee Aleshire Brown
You are welcome. Thank you for letting me know that you were encouraged.
Thank you so much Renee for this post. Fire explaining the different Scriptures as you see them. I appreciate it so much. Although I’ve been a Christian for 20 + years, this whole keeper at home concept is quite new to me! I find these Scriptures you’ve given so encouraging, thank you, and they really look great! Thank you so much again. God bless you sister, Anne
Thank you so much Anne, I am so blessed to know that you find them to be helpful to your heart. <3