• Household Chores for Spring Cleaning | Renée at Great Peace #homemaker #household #householdchores #springcleaning #ihsnet
    Blog,  Homemaking

    Household Chores for Spring Cleaning

    The spring months bring warmer weather, birds singing and opportunities to start your gardening. Not only that, but it brings with it the perfect time to start your Household Chores for Spring Cleaning. Keep reading to learn how homemakers can manage spring cleaning tasks. There is almost nothing that feels as satisfying as a little spring cleaning. Especially once it is complete. However, many find it overwhelming and difficult to get started. This is because to truly deep clean your home for the spring months, there are many tasks you must take on.

  • 8 Homemaking Tips to Organize Your Pantry | Renée at Great Peace #homemaker #keeperathome #householdchores
    Blog,  Homemaking

    8 Homemaking Tips to Organize Your Pantry

    It seems as though the pantry can easily become a catch all, a place for you to hide away food boxes and cans and hope no one ever takes a look. Keeping the pantry organized can quickly become a household chore that no one wants to tackle. But, you can organize your pantry with eight simple tips. This way you can create a pantry that is functional and visually appealing!   Are feeling stress when you open your pantry? Or. do you find that you aren’t utilizing the food before it expires? Then it’s probably time to organize your pantry and give it an overhaul. And be sure to check out…

  • Cooking 101 Life Skills for Gifted Teens
    Blog,  Gifted Homeschool,  Homeschool,  Meal Planning

    Cooking 101 Life Skills for Gifted Teens

    Day 1 – Cooking Life Skills If you are joining me from the iHomeschool Network 5 Day Hopscotch, welcome. I’m talking about life skills you need to teach gifted teens and for this first day of the hopscotch I’ll be discussing cooking life skills. While anyone can benefit from the information shared because these are basic skills that any teenager needs, whether boy, or girl, the reality is I’m a homeschooling mom to a gifted teen son, and as such, will share stories and ideas relevant to his needs.  This post contains affiliate links to 3rd party sites where products purchased may result in paid compensation for this blogger.    I…

  • How to Tips to prepare for moving for a relocation. | Renée at GreatPeaceAcademy

    Moving Tips for a Relocation

    If you are anything like me, the thought of moving is enough to fill your head with all sorts of freaky thoughts and fears. What if I don’t manage everything in time for the move? But it doesn’t have to be so scary or overwhelming! I was one of those people who thought I would never move in my life. That is, until after I got married. Since marriage we’ve moved multiple times. We’re relocating once again–and this time it’s out of state! It’s been an emotional roller coaster ride so far with all the packing and sorting but now that it’s done, I’m looking forward to our next adventure.…

  • Real Life Superhero Homeschool Mom, she wanted a different path for her children. | Great Peace Academy

    Bottom Line, She Wanted a Different Path for Her Children

    Real Life Superhero Homeschool Mom, Fee Rocha I’d like to introduce you to Fee Rocha, Christian, wife, mom, and painter, just to name a few of the roles she fulfills. She is mom to 3 children, an 8th grade 13 year old girl, a 4th grade 9 year old boy, and a 3rd grade 8 year old boy. She is homeschooling her children in the Rocha Learning Academy. Fee likes the challenge of homeschooling and thinks that being able to make school scheduling fit her family’s schedule, is ideal for her family. She thinks that homeschooling has allowed her family to grow closer together. Why Fee is a Superhero Homeschool Mom Fee and…