This Week… Trying to Get on Track
Little Man was feeling better this week. I was still struggling with a cough for half the week. I worked on updating lesson plans so between his daddy and myself we were able to get a pretty decent amount of work accomplished this week. We focused mostly on core content. Bible: The Israelites are continuing their conquest of Canaan. Bible Study Guide is proving to be the best option as my previous review stated. This week Little Man labelled a map of Canaan and studied how the Gibeonites tricked Israel and how Joshua made a deal with them. Additionally I got an idea from my friend Sam at Sam’s…
We Use Bible Study Guide for All Ages
A complete Bible Curriculum Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure for full information. Thank you for supporting Great Peace Academy. I want to tell you about the Bible curriculum we are using in our homeschool this year. Let’s face it, there is a lot of material out there, but with so many denominations in this world, of which I am not a part, it is hard to find material that I can rely on to be sound in biblical doctrine. My family and I along with the other Christians of whom we fellowship seek to only teach and learn from the Bible. We do not believe in…
This Week… Cold, cold cold and The Goblet Completed,
This week we have snow as the Arctic front came in this week blanketing the country with cold. It is cold too. Temperatures hung around the 15 degree mark for most of the week, and we have about 3 inches of snow on the ground. When temps are this cold, we school in the family room near the wood burning stove. I give up the convenience of the classroom in exchange for the warmth of the fire. That means though we didn’t have a chance to count birds, which is a shame because everytime I peeked outside there was always quite a gathering of species all at once. Maybe we…
This Week… Getting Back in Rhythm
This week we focused on school. Little Man worked really well. I think my goal of having lesson plans complete at least one full week in advance has helped to find the rhythm again. I don’t know how it happened, my guess would be busy-ness, but somehow I had been trying to put together lesson plans as we go. It was not working out. Little Man works well when given a task list. So I did. I printed out a little weekly calendar with tasks written out. He can see clearly what the expectations are and work at a pace that he is comfortable with. It puts him in the…
This Week… Winter Recital
This was a good week. Little Man spent the week back at it in the books department.Bible: In Bible he learned about the water from the rock and the war with the Amalekites. Both he found to be fascinating, and truth be told… So do I. (Exodus 17) Literature:Finished chapter 6 of “The Golden Goblet.” Ranofer discovers just how much he does NOT want to be a stone cutter, finding it to be monotonous, noisy and the other workers far too busy to be friendly. He also has discovered that Gebu is up to something in the middle of the night, sneaking out of the house when he thinks Ranofer is…
Project Feeder Watch
If you are a regular reader you already know that we are studying Birds this year. We are studying in Apologia’s Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day. Through some of the extra links that the publisher provides for students via their website. I discovered, The Cornell University Lab of Ornithology’s Project Feeder Watch program. This is a program where regular people, like you and I watch and count the different species of birds that hang out at our feeder through the winter.I registered and for a small fee, I was sent some basic materials which arrived today. I’m very much looking forward to doing this with Little Man. Our feeder…
Homeschool Share Resource & 30 Days to Give Thanks Day 7
I love Homeschool Share. It is a free website that offers unit studies, lapbooks and Five in a Row resources. The Homeschool Share team has put together a super great resource for homeschooling families. Can’t find what you are looking for? That’s ok, you can still print off lapbook templates and then use them to make up your own lapbook unit study. Then you can share them on the site for others to use. Through Pinterest I came across this Egypt Lapbook which is perfect for helping me tie together all of the information that I have been filling Little Man’s head with. I’ve been to Homeschool Share so many times. I use…
This Week… And 30 Days to Give Thanks, Day 3
30 Days to Give Thanks: Day 3 Link Up Special Offer:I’m teaming up with my friend Davonne Parks to co-host this Month’s Link-Up blog hop. All month long we are posting daily about what we are thankful for. All participants will receive for limited time offer TWO 75% off coupon codes for her book, 28 Days to Timeliness. Won’t you join us in remembering thankfully the blessings that God has bestowed upon each of us.Grab a button and Join in the fun: <div align="center"><a href="https://www.reneeatgreatpeace.com" title="This Week @ Great Peace Academy"><img src="http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n609/mjbrjb/Picture4.jpg" alt="This Week @ Great Peace Academy" style="border:none;" /></a></div> Giving Thanks Today I am grateful for the ones whose hands brought my child into my life. I am…