Homeschooling with Free Unit Studies
Have you gotten to a place where you are finding it difficult to keep up with the rigidity of a homeschooling text book? Perhaps the suggested schedule has begun to rule your day and your week. Maybe your kids are just struggling to understand it, or keep up with the requirements of it. It could, perhaps, be that those texts are based on a traditional school method. And, most often, that method doesn’t work in a homeschooling setting. But have no fear! It’s OK to switch it up, even mid-year, and do homeschooling unit studies instead. What do you do when the curriculum isn’t working and you don’t have anything…
10 Cultural Diversity Books for Middle School
A while ago I shared with you a list of 25 Books Every Boy Should Read and one of you asked about books that help to teach cultural diversity. While it would be impossible for me to gather an exhaustive list that would include all cultures around the globe I did choose 10 that I think would be good readers for middle school children. This list isn’t geared specifically for boys. I tried to list a variety of cultures to show that in America we live in a melting pot of cultures. Which makes the American culture quite eclectic. Yet, when we can each work as a single community supporting our nation, our…
10 Cool Ways to Study the Periodic Table in Homeschool
I remember in school having to memorize sections of the periodic table. I remember thinking how boring it was. I also remember that I would memorize what I needed to know for the test, but would forget most of it, if not all of it, after the test was over. As you know Young Man has one of those minds that loves to absorb facts. He digests information like most women digest chocolate, with much passion. Over the years I’ve watched as he applies his mind to study of various things and been amazed because he will recall those bits of information years later at seemingly random times. That’s how…
Mittens and More a Unit Study for The Mitten
One of my favorite children’s stories is The Mitten. If you are not familiar with this book. The story has been around for a long time. It originally was a Ukrainian folk tale and has been retold many times. It has most recently been made famous by author Jan Brett. This post contains affiliate advertisement links to 3rd party sites. When I was in college, ahem, a while ago, I was in a children’s theater troupe. We traveled to elementary schools performing improvisational skits for the children. One story that we did was The Mitten. We told the story entirely using improvisation to act out the story scene. We each pretended to…
How to Use Family Audiobooks for Character Training in Young Teens
As diligent parents we want to lead our teenagers in developing good character traits as they continue to develop into adulthood. But discipline can lead to confrontation which may make for less discipline and more confrontation when emotions are running high. It’s a difficult problem for parents. Utilizing resources such as family audiobooks can take the confrontation out of the equation while still helping teens to see the need for good character building. I received the following product for free and am being fairly compensated for the time I use in reviewing and writing this post. All opinions are my own and I am not required to write a positive…
Gifts for Math Minded Kids
When you have a math minded child it’s incredible how fast they absorb numerical information. Their minds are moving so rapidly that they may struggle to relax. I often think that my son would lay in bed calculating physics or composing music all night if we didn’t intervene. He just wants and needs more, and if you have a math minded child yours does as well. But, how do you continuously provide them with more math challenges without overwhelming them? That’s the question isn’t it? How much is too much? This post contains affiliate advertisement links. Here’s the thing. Children who are gifted have a hunger for more information like…
10 Resources for Teaching Botany in Homeschool
Botany, the study of plants. One of the sciences that often gets overlooked. Sometimes this is due to botany being studied inside a greater biology study while other times it’s due to interests. There are some who simply feel that they have no ability to grow plants successfully, therefore they choose to not endeavor into Botany science. This post contains affiliate advertisement links to 3rd party sites. But, plants live all around us. From the grassy areas around our homes, to the trees, ferns, and flowers that line the path at the local park we visit. All one needs to do to study plants is open their eyes…
Amazing Homeschool Supplies for your Whole Life
As homeschool moms we have a lot to juggle. We manage households, our families, our children, and we educate them as well. Sometimes, when you find something that makes life easier or more interesting you just want to share it with the world. When our homeschool supplies also double as a resources for other parts of your life, you know it’s a good resource to have. This post contains affiliate ad links to 3rd party sites where products purchased may result in paid compensation for this blogger. Which is why I wanted to bring you my favorite homeschool supplies that I think are super amazing. Because they fill more than an just…