Homeschooling Places to Visit in Southeast Ohio
We're looking to Southeast Ohio for homeschool field trips with farmland, industry, history and the arts, the area makes for a gorgeous place to visit.
The Best Resources for Every Homeschool Mom’s Personal Library
Are you intimidated by all the expert homeschoolers out there? Do you get overwhelmed when you are thinking about dipping your foot into the homeschooling waters and aren’t sure where to get started? There are so many new homeschooling words to understand, and methods to research. Don’t forget about the laws to investigate, not to mention the curriculum choices on the market to check out. Stepping into homeschooling world can be frightening. This post contains affiliate links to 3rd party sites where products purchased may result in paid compensation to this blogger. I know… I once was right where you are. Even if you have been homeschooling for a few…
Northwest Ohio Homeschool Field Trips
Are you a homeschooling mom seeking to put a little oomph into your homeschooling days? Is the long days of winter feeling a bit drab and you find yourself gazing through travel magazines thinking about summer vacation? Spring is just around the corner and the perfect time to plan a homeschool field trip. If you live in or near Ohio you know that it’s a state that is filled with history, industry, and attractions. Whether your family prefers historical museums and sites, or exploring nature, northwest Ohio will delight and surprise you with it’s homeschool field trip offerings. 25 Northwest Ohio Homeschool Field Trip Ideas The Arts Art Space –…
Web Resources for Parents of Gifted
Did you know that being a parent of gifted learners is not easy? In fact, sometimes it’s incredibly hard. I used to think something was wrong with me because I just couldn’t understand why my child acted so differently from other children his age. I mean, I knew he was smart. But, it seemed so strange for a 3 year old to write in perfect cursive without being taught to do so. And, what 6 y.o. reads encyclopedias for entertainment? Those things… are just… well, weirdly, yet excitedly, different. Right? And, the emotional differences were far different, and I simply didn’t understand it. I used to feel so very alone. I used…
Northeast Ohio Field Trips for Homeschoolers
Northeast Ohio field trips for homeschoolers, you'll discover 15 places to visit to enhance learning in a vast variety of subjects.
This Month at Great Peace Academy January Edition
When I started blogging it was to write a weekly journal “This Week at Great Peace Academy” of all the things we did in homeschool each week. Over the years thought the blog has transitioned into more of a homeschool mom resources blog. But, I miss writing regularly about what we are doing in our little homeschool. So, I thought why not do a monthly summary? This post contains affiliate links to 3rd party sites where products purchased may result in paid compensation for this blogger. So… this month at Great Peace Academy My Little Man has grown into quite the Young Man, which freaks me out a bit. He…
Music Appreciation in the Homeschool
Clear and Simple Homeschool Music Curriculum Finding a homescool music appreciation curriculum that’s easy to use and really teaches a child how to listen to music makes a homeschool mom’s life much easier. Plus, it has great information about music dynamics, and composition so you know your child is well-equipped with knowledge or musical arts. I love listening to classical music. I have since high school. That was not the norm for the small rural community that I grew up in and I don’t believe I was ever really given the opportunity to learn the finer points of the genre. Little Man also loves listening to classical music. In…
Art Supplies to Keep on Hand for Creative Thinking Kids
My son has always loved to draw. Which is why I always try to keep art supplies on hand for him. From the earliest ages as soon as he could grasp a pencil he began drawing nearly everything he sees. For years we kept a stockpile of paper from office recycling bins. We had friends donate to us boxes, and boxes of office paper because he had an insatiable need to draw. He’d literally go through reams of it far faster than you can imagine. As if keeping him supplied in the paper was enough! The same is true of crayons, colored pencils, and pencils. He used them down until…