12 Homeschool Quotes for the Heart of a Mom
Homeschooling isn’t for the faint of heart. Well, that’s not entire true! I believe anyone can homeschool. But, everyone isn’t of a heart for it. Homeschooling is both hard and rewarding. It becomes easier over time then gets harder again around the high school years. Maybe harder isn’t the right word, maybe it becomes more intimidating. We all need a bit of encouragement from time to time which is why I’m sharing my favorite homeschool quotes to help motivate you.
Be sure to download and print your free Homeschool Quote printable Scripture Art below.
It’s this time of year when I start to feel bogged down, and I can see my student does too. I want to just get the schooling done so we can wrap up book learning and move on to some fun learning like targeted unit studies, hands-on fun, outside activities, field trips and an easier, relaxed style to homeschooling.
Sometimes we can just hop right in and do just that. Other times, we need to finish up the last few lessons in a boxed curriculum, or online class before we can give into the spring fever.
So I wanted to bring you a little motivation by sharing some quotes for homeschool moms. Whether you are new to homeschooling or a seasoned vet, I think these will offer you the encouragement you need to muddle through, er um, I mean, meet the challenge head on with all due diligence, the rest of your school year. I know it’s tough sometimes, but you can do it mom because, in the end, we are training up our kids to be active, responsible adults, we’re pointing them toward heaven, and we, prayerfully, know that our choice to home educate is the ideal one for our children.
My Favorite Homeschool Quotes
Download your Free Scripture Art Printable.
This prints on paper size 8.5×11 but the image itself should fit a 5×7 frame.
I’ve been talking on my blog about teaching God’s peace since it’s inception and before. That was my goal. After all, our school is named from Isaiah 54:13.
Yet, I get lost in the day to day just like most others do. A few weeks ago I was able to meet up with my friend Chelli. We were both speaking at a homeschoolers seminar and her talk was so good. She reminded me that I’ve lost my focus, taken my eyes off the goal and started trying to do this on my own. But, I’m not on my own. She explained that I’m the tool in God’s hand being used to bring my child to the person he’s supposed to be. God knows what lies in his future and God will equip him with what he needs.
Be sure to scroll through to see all 12 of my favorite homeschooling quotes.
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While I didn’t take specific notes from Chelli’s talk I knew that she often writes about Teaching from Rest, Scholé, on her blog, The Planted Trees. So I hopped over there to see what fabulous things she’s been sharing and this quote popped out at me. I love it. She is so right with this.
“Too many times I forgot that this is not a solitary endeavor, it is a joint work between myself and God. I bring all I have to the altar where He takes it and turns my meager ability into something great within my children.” Chelli at The Planted Trees.
I love this quote by Jimmie Lanley, she really hits the nail on the head. Too often we get caught up in what the world thinks we need to accomplish in “school” that we fail to see that forcing education doesn’t lead to true learning, it only leads to frustration and anger.
“There is a delicate balance as a parent. You want to be very attune to your child’s development and interests and encourage her to attempt challenges. But you never want to push to the point of disgust or burnout. When the emotions flare, it’s time for a break because no real learning happens when one is angry or frustrated.” Jimmie Lanley at Jimmie’s Collage
Another quote that I love is this one about time and freedom. Whenever I’m feeling like I’m behind I remember this quote. Then I don’t worry about being behind, instead I remember that I have the freedom to set our schedule and approach education from our own perspective.
“Homeschooling gives us the time and freedom to do what we want apart from someone else’s schedule.” Amy Formerly at Milk and Cookies Blog, and Geek Families
Whenever I get to comparing our homeschool with someone else’s I remember what Amy over at Homeschool Encouragement said in her post, Dear Worried Homeschool Mom: You Can Do This! It is the perfect reminder that on the surface we each may appear to have it all together but the truth is we all have something we struggle with. You should really hop over there and read her entire post because it really is encouraging!
“It might look like everyone has it all together, but that’s because we are all hiding the struggles and showing the world the happy parts.” Amy at Homeschool Encouragment.
When howling storms of doubt and fear assail. Often I think of this line from the hymn, Standing on the Promises by R. Kelso Carter. Because sometimes, the fear overwhelms me. Sometimes, I forget my goals. Sometimes, I want to give in to the fear.
Erica said something this week that just hit home for me.
“Unfortunately one of the biggest issues homeschoolers can face is the indecision and doubt factor. Of course we all want what is best for our children’s education, and if things aren’t going as expected we need a reminder of why we chose this path to start with. Knowing what the goals for our homeschool are, we can adjust what we’re doing so we’re moving toward those goals and not toward what someone else tells us we should be doing.” Erica at Confessions of a Homeschooler.
It was this, we can adjust what we’re doing so we’re moving toward those goals and not toward what someone else tells us we should be doing, that really spoke to my heart because I just need to remember my goals, and adjust my plans to move toward those goals. Simple.
I’ve never been one to think mommy time is the way to approach parenting. Probably because I waited so long to become a parent that I felt I had all the me time I needed before becoming a mother. I think our kids are with us for such a short time that we should invest in them, time, energy and heart. I’m all in, so to speak.
That being said, when I read this quote from Tina I was like, “Yay! finally someone who understands that mommy time and teacher time, and probably all the other times of our life can’t be separated. We are, after all, just ONE person. So I think the best way to approach taking time for oneself is about finding balance.
“The longer I homeschool, the harder it is to separate teacher and mommy things I enjoy and I don’t need to because I am both of those things. Homeschooling becomes a way of life and so in my mommy time, it’s about what makes me rock or relax for the day. Things like organizing, meal planning, exercising with YouTube and doing nothing at times all fall under mommy time for me.” Tina at Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus.
I may only be a mama to one child, but I love how Tricia at Hodgepodge reminds moms to “Etch it all in your memories.” It was just the oomph I needed during a particularly difficult time. It reminded me that it doesn’t matter when we have a difficult day, there are much more important things in life. She reminded me to focus on the joyful things and to let go of the difficulties.
“And, yes, I am tired at the end of the day and there are sibling squabbles and plenty character training opportunities. But I am privileged to have them all together, constantly tweaking our routine to meet the needs of the age range. Etch it all in your memories, friends.” Tricia at Hodgepodge.
Sometimes we need a short simple reminder of what we are doing. It can set us aright and put us back on the path to our goals. That’s exactly what Mary at Homegrown Learners does for me. She helps me to be mindful of what I’m doing.
“You’re a Homeschool Mom? You Are Building Something Amazing!” Mary at Homegrown Learners
Whenever I come face to face with a homeschooling difficulty, I need a bit of a reminder that children are unique and all children will not learn, grow or function in the same way. Knowing my child is unique and is set apart for a purpose is important. Understanding that his unique abilities are what God has blessed him with helps to ease my mind and keeps me calm during those difficult times.
This quote by Jeannie Fulbright does just that for me, since creative writing is the biggest struggle we have in our homeschool.
“… just know – your nonwriter isn’t failing at writing – he’s simply expressing his unique God-given talents, preferences, gifts and abilities, which will all work together to usher him or her into God’s special plan and purpose prepared in advance.” Jeannie Fulbright at Jeannie’s Journal.
And I love how Judy puts it, because she reminds us to remain diligent in setting standards but learning to be adept at meeting the standards in a unique way for the child’s benefit.
“On the surface, providing accommodations may seem to be taking the easy way out, but in reality it is simply allowing students to learn in an alternative way. The standard is not lowered, but the means of reaching that standard is changed.” Judy at Contented at Home.
There are going to be times when we have to defend our choice to home educate. I had grown accustomed to it being a growing norm in our country. Then, we moved to Missouri. Missouri laws concerning home education are different, quite different. While HSLDA lists them as a non-notify state, and it is, they also have some pretty stringent guidelines for those who choose to homeschool. Which is why I say it’s quite different. I mean, you don’t have to tell anyone you are homeschooling, but you do have to follow guidelines, and keep records, but then there is no follow-up of any kind, no assessment or testing required. That to me seems very odd.
I think, though, that because of the no-notify and the no follow-up, it has left a shroud of complete mystery for the non-homeschooling citizens of the state. So when we moved here, and people assumed our son was in the local middle school I would say, “We homeschool.”
I have been pretty stunned by some blatant disregard for our choice. It can be disheartening.
But I remind myself of my purpose, my goal and the actual outcomes that we see on a daily basis. Like socialization for example. One guy said, not to me but to my son,
“Oh so you don’t get to play with friends.” said with derision.
First, um, don’t talk to my child that way. Second, how presumptive of him. Third, the outcome was that he held his own by saying, “Yeah, we just moved here from Ohio, so I had to say goodbye to my old friends. Good thing we have email to keep in touch. And I’m hoping to meet some new friends to play with soon.“
My friend Marlene sums up this outcome so nicely.
“My kids interact with people of all ages, and they can hold their ground. It’s not awkward talking to an adult, and it’s not above their standards to hang out with a kid who is younger than them. To them, it’s irrelevant. Age is literally nothing but a number. What matters is what you can find in common with that person, or finding an interest in what they have to say.” Then taking the interaction from there.” Marlene at A Diligent Heart.
Here is my own best advice to you homeschool mom.
Take time each day to be in the moment with your children. Watch for the spark to light in their eyes as they learn a new concept, savor the blessing of each moment, even the hard ones, because the time you have with them is fading behind you and if you fail to see the joy today, you’ll look back and wonder if it was worth it. I promise you, it’s worth it. Just take it one day, one hour, one moment at time, and do what comes next. That’s all we have anyway.
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This post is part of these blog link-ups.
Inspiring Quotes for Homeschoolers
Things No One Tells You About Homeschooling

Perfect blog for teachers, students, tutors to look for all inspiring quotes. Thanks
May I add a fave?
“The beauty of home schooling is that it is YOUR school and you can do whatever you want.”
So freeing.
Yes, great quote.