5 Mother and Son Dates
I love being a boy mom. I’m always surprised though at how fast it’s going. I looked over the other day while I was driving down the road and Little Man was sitting in the front seat beside me and suddenly it occurred to me that my little boy looked quite like a man, albeit a young man, sitting there. Which is why I want to increase the number of mother and son dates that I feel are so important.
Remember that family bonding time isn’t just about the collective family. It’s also about spending quality time with each individual in the family.
With time ever moving forward at what seems to be a more rapid rate, I’m ever thoughtful of how I want to spend my time with him. There is so much I want to tell him, teach him and encourage him in.
Just today, his lesson in Bible was about the importance of choosing the right wife. We discussed the roles that husbands and wives play in a marriage and how he can be loving, kind and helpful to her. But we also discussed how a wife should be loving, kind and helpful to him.
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I had him open the scriptures to read for himself, 1 Cor. 7:3, Ephesians 5:23, 1 Peter 3:7, and Titus 2:3-5, because I want him to begin to bury those scriptures in his heart so when he is older and begins to think of a wife for himself, he will begin by looking for those characteristics.
It’s never too early, I believe, to teach him the importance of choosing a wife who will help him reach heaven, and whom he can help to lead toward heaven.
As a side note: It’s never too early to begin praying for your future daughter-in-law as well. Place her life in God’s hands to be the exact right woman for your son.
How Mother and Son Dates Can be Training for their Future
Mother and son dates don’t just serve the purpose of spending quality time with your son. They can serve as excellent training time as well.
For example, it’s during these times that you are in the ideal situation to teach your son how to lovingly treat a lady. You can talk with him about being a gentlemen and lovingly show him how to act while in the presence of a young lady when the time comes.
These times can serve as a means to teach him how to pay for things, how to select opportunities for conversation, and how to maintain a conversation. You can train him in a variety of details related to spending time with a young lady or even his future wife.
All of which can be done in a subtle, yet fun way and he won’t even realize he’s learning.
5 Date Ideas for Moms with Sons
Just when you get used to having a boy around all the time and you are always stepping on LEGO bricks and watching your husband and son as they wrestle to see who is the strongest, you’ll wake up to discover that you’ve got a pre-teen swiftly rolling toward the BIG 13.
His likes and dislikes will begin to change. And, you’ll always be second guessing how to bond with him. It’s important to show him that regardless of his age, and things he’s fascinated with, you’ll always love him, and try to be interested in the things he’s into.
It’s great to kind of meet him on his turf and get to know the unique young man he’s growing into. Which is why I’ve come up with these 5 date ideas for moms with sons.
1- Pizza and Mini-Golf
Not at your local pizza shop, but at a nice sit down Italian restaurant, followed by Miniature Golf, after which you stop and get ice cream for dessert.
2- Burgers and Root-beer Floats
What boy doesn’t love a good burger and the fun of pouring pop over the top of ice cream? Follow up the meal with a hike at the local park, let him lead.
3- Dinner at Home and Video Games
First, cook dinner together. Let him decide what dinner is. It might be hot-dogs and applesauce and it might be spaghetti and meatballs. It doesn’t matter, letting him decide helps him to see you are interested in him. While your at it, why not bake up a batch of cookies for munching on later while you play, yes, you play video games with him. When was the last time just you and he sat at the Wii and played a game, together? He’ll love that your interested in HIS likes.

4- Movie (or TV show) Marathons
Order in dinner (he’ll probably want pizza), pop some popcorn, make ice-cream sundaes and put in the freezer for a quick grab later, then set down to watch a marathon of movies or tv shows with him. Maybe it will be the Harry Potter series, or Lord of the Rings, perhaps it will be Doctor Who or Star Trek, it really doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you are showing interest HIM.
5- An afternoon of Bowling and Ice-Cream
Laughing with your son as you roll a gutter ball is both hilarious and humbling. But it’s super fun. He’ll love it as much as you will. Go in the afternoon to avoid the crowds, the leagues and the adult crowd. Then after you are finished playing go out for Ice-cream, not as dessert, but for dinner with all the toppings.
These are just suggestions of course. You know your son best. What are his interests? What kinds of things do you find him doing? Maybe it’s sketching comic book characters. If so, find a comic book store and take him out for a chance to peruse through the books followed by a burger or pizza. The goal is to join him at his level, with his own interests and give him your undivided attention.
Tell me, what are your own ideas for a fabulous mom and son date? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Celebrate being a Boy Mom
Raising a Little Gentleman Mom & Son T-Shirt
Keep Him Safe Morse Code Bracelet for Boys
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This post is a part of the iHomeschool Network How to Let Your Kids Know you Love Them Link Up.