10 Powerful Scriptures for Training your Son’s Heart for Responsibility
With Free Responsibility Scripture Art Printables In our home, we’ve been focused on training our young man in responsibility for his future role as a husband, provider, and leader. Training a boy to be responsible can be a difficult task. This can be especially true for moms. For some reason, boys tend to “buck up” and listen when dad speaks more so than when mom does. It could be this way with girls too, but as a boy mom, I only speak from my own experience. God has created them with a specific purpose. He desires men to be leaders in the home and in our churches. They’ve got buried deep…
Train Up Hearts for the Lord
Mothers hold a special place in the lives of their children. As mamas we are uniquely blessed with qualities of gentleness, love, and tender hearts. This is especially true when we are endeavoring to teach them from God’s word. It’s important for parents to hold God’s word in high regard in front of their children. We are to “…train them up in the nurture and admonition of the word.” Ephesians 6:1. We see that godly instruction throughout scripture, from Deuteronomy chapters 4, 6 and 11 to the Psalms and Proverbs and into the New Testament. Because we as mothers are equipped with gentle hearts we can reach down to teach out children…
Growing Up in God’s Word Bible Study Review
Teaching Bible Study Skills I’m taking a break from teaching from the Old Testament in our homeschool. I’ve decided to spend the spring teaching about the latter part of the life of Christ. I was given an opportunity to review Growing Up in God’s Word, Life of Christ Part II, which I received for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own. I am also sharing affiliate links to Amazon.com where you can purchase this and other study guides.When I was a little girl my parents were earnest in having family Bible study time. My daddy would read from the scripture, to my mom, myself…
Training My Child in the Spirit
As a Christian, one who fervently believes in the sovereignty of the power and omniscience of God in Heaven, how could I do anything but teach my son spiritual things? To do otherwise would be hypocritical and deny the power of God. “Train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6 But how can one know which way to train up that child?” “And you, fathers, do now provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” – Ephesians 6:4 There it is. The only resource…
Training Up In Worship… by Example
We have gone from training up from infancy to training up using discipline. My prayer is that through this series you are encouraged to walk worthy of your calling, that you find that teaching your children is both important for their future as well as a part of God’s calling for you as their parent, and that you find some examples and suggestions which will help you on your path of training up. The most important way that a parent can teach their children any lesson is by example. When I was a little girl we had a poem hanging on our wall. It was called: “Children Learn what They…
Training up in Worship: Toys
This post will most likely step on some toes. If that’s the case, know that I write it from a heart that loves souls. This is the one where I talk about toys in the worship assembly. I’m going to share my opinion regarding them. I’m going to talk about when and what are appropriate and when they aren’t and what isn’t appropriate. If you have a true desire to grow as a parent, to grow in the spirit and to help your children to grow up into the Lord’s family, then I pray you will read with an open heart and mind. If you are comfortable with your status…
Acceleration: What is it?
To Advance or Not to Advance? Very recently there has been a story running viral around the internet about the Harding family that has sent 6 children of their 10 children to college by age 12. You can see the story, from the Today Show News here: Meet the family who sent six kids to college by age 12 I’ve watched with fascination different people on facebook give their opinions as to whether they think this family is doing a great thing for their children or if they think they are simply nuts. I’ve watched and not commented even though every fiber of my being wanted to comment, support and…
Training up in Worship: Set the Standard
In this series on Training Up in Worship. We’ve come to some practical advice time. I’ve laid some foundations. Training begins with infancy, requires repetition and begins at home. I know you are curious for how to go about the practical application while in the assembly. I can hear what you are thinking. ‘It’s too hard with 2, 3 or more children.’ You are right that it is hard, but it isnt’ TOO hard. After all we are told… “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13. You as the parent just have to make the decision to set the standard and stick with it.…