Finally an Online Course that Challenges a Math Mind
To say that it’s difficult to challenge my math gifted son would be an understatement. From a very early age he has progressed through math as if he has some hidden foreknowledge of how it’s all supposed to work. For him, it just clicks. Over the years I’ve tried various challenge math options, bought published printed materials for gifted children as well as tried a variety of online math programs that I had hoped would allow him to explore math in a way that challenged his mind. Typically, he will figure out those programs or lessons quickly, progress rapidly and then get bored and will not want to continue. Disclosure:…
Learning Place Value with LEGO Re-Grouping Boards
Learning the value of numbers can be frustrating to some children. No sooner do they learn that 9 means there are 9 of an item when we move on to teach the value of the tens place. So the 9 in the tens value place means there are 90 of an item. Yep. I can see why it can be confusing! What we need to do is focus on the basics rather than the number in the spot. Showing a child what each spot looks like can help them to mentally piece together what the value of a place holder is. So seeing 95 or 195 in bulk can help…
Outsourcing Homeschool Math Curriculum
When I started homeschooling there was a giant looming cloud over my head. It was the what am I going to do about math cloud. For me, teaching a child with advanced learning abilities, specifically in math, I knew that day would come quickly and I would revisit it over and over again. In fact, since Jonathan was about 7, he’s now 11, I’ve been concerned that my math skills just aren’t where they need to be for him to learn and grow as a mathematician. Each year I have stressed and worried over not being able to teach him at the level he needed. Often I found that if I simply provided…
Thinking with Logic, Math Mysteries
Challenging Math Mysteries for Gifted Children Middle school aged children love a good mystery. At least, my middle school child does. Anytime they have an opportunity to solve something mysterious there is excitement. Couple a love for mysteries, a need for challenges, an ability to think logically and Math Logic Mysteries, by Marilynn L. Rapp Buxton, would be an excellent workbooks for your gifted homeschool resource library. When I first received Math Logic Mysteries, for free as a part of a blog review opportunity, from Prufrock Press I was excited to see how much my son loved them. The concept is truly simple. Solve some math equations based upon a series of clues…
Advancing Math Instruction
For the Gifted Homeschool Student Anyone who regularly follows this blog already knows that my son is advanced in Math. It comes easy to him and each and every challenge he is presented with he takes it head-on and doesn’t back down until he has mastered it. That’s why I am comfortable advancing him to work in areas which challenge his knowledge level. I love using Khan Academy to teach Math in my homeschool. In fact, I often get asked “How do you use it?” Many people think it is simply a place to find videos when in reality it is a complete program. They have additional subjects…
Math Defined with Dictionary
Making Math Simple I’m one of those homeschool moms who gets more than a little nervous about teaching math. It’s kind of scary in fact. I know I’m not alone in this, so often I hear moms say “I dread teaching upper level math.” For me upper level math started last year and continues this year. As an affiliate blogger for Prufrock Press I am so thankful that I was given to review Math Dictionary for Kids, written by Theresa R. Fitzgerald. Whenever we have questions about spelling, definitions of words, or even grammar we pull a dictionary off the shelf and at our fingertips we find the answers to…
How I Teach Math for Gifted Homeschooler
My Secret Homeschool Math Instruction Disclosure: This post contains review products that I received for free in exchange for my honest review of the product and affiliate links please see my full disclosure for full details. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I am not a math genius. Really! I’m not. In fact, I am not very good at math. My brain gets pretty befuddled when given a bunch of numbers and asked to make sense out of them. I knew early on that my son however is very good at math. I also knew that he would very quickly surpass my ability to teach him.…
Gifted Homeschool Must Haves
Must Have Item for the Mathematically Gifted Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my full disclosure for full details. Thank you for supporting Great Peace Academy. Today I’m joining with my friends at iHN to discuss what we feel are our homeschool must-haves and I decided to take this opportunity to make my first ever video blog. I’m sharing what I feel is a Must Have for mathematically and perhaps scientifically gifted and advanced learners. Tell me what you think. Do you feel that this is a Must Have item? My second gifted homeschool must have is a catalog from (ad) Prufrock Press. They carry…