Meal Planning at the Academy
Meal Planning When Planning isn’t Your Plan I love to cook, but I don’t like to plan. When I worked full time outside the home I would do month long meal plans and did a pretty good job keeping up with them. Using monthly calendar meal planning helped me to stay on task. After becoming a stay at home mom and homeschooling teacher, I grew tired of sticking with that type of schedule. In fact, generally speaking I’m not much of a planner. I began to just wing it with meals and started cooking whatever I fancied in the moment. I still do that nearly 9 SAHM and…
This Week… Life Skills Week
This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for supporting Great Peace Academy, please see my Disclosure Policy for further details. So in our home we continue the moving and redecorating and changing of spaces. Last week I told you about some updates to the classroom, but that was just the beginning of changes being made. For school this week… Math: Geometry the program we use, Khan Academy, was suggesting some math skills for him regarding area and perimeter. He watched some videos’ and we tried a few problems. He was as confused as me! Which is saying a LOT!. So I went and took a look at his skill progress…
This Week… Household Changes
Making Changes in the Homeschool Classroom and BeyondThis post contains affiliate links which may result in this blogger receiving paid compensation for purchases made. For further details see my disclosure policy.Thank you for supporting this blog and our academy. This Week... We have gotten back into the swing of our summer school session. Last week, Little Man came down with a bad bug. Yuck. So no school last week, followed by the Independence Holiday Weekend. Science: Finishing up lesson 10 of Flying Creatures. We have added hummingbird feeders to our back deck and have been watching with fascination the tiny flittering birds as they buzz around our heads drinking the…
This Week… Quiet Family Time
Lazy Summer Days At Great Peace Academy This post contains affiliate links which may result in this blogger receiving paid compensation for purchases made. For further details see my disclosure policy.Thank you for supporting this blog and our academy. This week the Lord has led us to some quiet times, which upon reflection I am grateful for. We started the week thinking there would be travel both for me and Beloved. But unforeseen circumstances has made it so that we are home. We haven’t really left home, except for Bible Study and a couple of quick trips into town for errands. It has been wonderful, and has granted us as…
This Week…Spring Cleaning Begins During Break
Spring Cleaning During Unexpected Spring Break This week we took a break from school. I don’t typically schedule spring break, however I had the opportunity to babysit for a brother in the church who happens to live 3 doors down. So we had visitors 3 days this week, Ben age 4 and his brother Nathaniel age 6. I was really surprised at how well the boys got along. I had imagined that Little Man would lose patience by the 3rd day. He can be quite possessive with his things. However, on Sunday evening he set aside things that he would prefer they not play with and we explained that everything else was…
Food Safety and the Providence of God
Which is Safer, Plastic or Wood? For years I struggled as a cook with the proper way to use cutting boards in the prepping of food in my kitchen. We hear so much about the dangers of bacteria such as e.coli and salmonella that it gives one pause whenever dealing with meat. As a wife and mom, I want to ensure the safety of my family. But how do I do that? Image courtesy of Paul / FreeDigitalPhotos.net This post may contain affiliate links to 3rd party sites where porducts may be purchased. Purchases made at 3rd party sites may result in paid compensation to this blogger. Growing up I…
Mid-Year Classroom Redo
Updating for a Fresh Look with a Classroom Redo If you are a regular reader, you know that in the winter we burn firewood as our main heat source. This particular winter has been especially cold for Ohio. So in order to conserve heat, we closed off the classroom and moved the learning to the dining room. But the classroom quickly became cluttered since that happened the classroom has become a dumping ground for all things that didn’t have a home. It was seriously in need of a classroom redo. Embarrassingly here is the before photo: So on Saturday my friend Sam posted on facebook and twitter that her classroom…
Ten Random Thoughts
I’m having random thoughts today. 1. I was terribly sick yesterday. I slept for over 20 hours, then got up at 9:25 last evening. I stayed up for 7 hours then went back to sleep and slept for 6 1/2 hours. I guess the near month long insomnia fest of February finally caught up with me. So hopefully I have reached balance and my sleep patterns have returned to normal. This beautiful tree was the scene outside the kitchen window where I do the dishes. This tree is now gone. 🙁 2. I’m finding the loss of all the trees in the neighborhood disturbing to my heart. Today they are…