Prioritizing Time with Your Husband during Busy Times
People these days lead extremely busy lives. From emails piling in each morning to getting the children to music lessons life can just seem too busy. You know that marriage is a top priority for me. I believe if we are going to save marriages wives and husbands have to remember to be actively working together for a common purpose. In fact, it can seem downright impossible. The truth is though, prioritizing time with your husband during busy times is incredibly important.
Because of being overly busy, many wives are finding it harder and harder to prioritize time with their husbands. Other wives feel they shouldn’t have to bear all of the responsibility in making time for the marriage. Still others feel like the marriage can wait because the children, jobs, and other responsibilities come first.
The reality is, if you want to have a strong, healthy, and long-lasting marriage you must make the time, prioritize time in order to spend time with your husband. Yes, he must also prioritize time to be with you. This should be a mutually agreed upon goal.
But here’s a good marriage tip to keep in mind. The more you show him you want to spend time with him, the more likely he is to want to spend time with you. It’s takes both of you to make a marriage complete.
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No matter how difficult it may seem, it is important that you learn to find a balance. Really look at your schedule.
- What can you let go of in order to prioritize your relationship?
- How can you eliminate something for the purpose of scheduling something with your husband?
- What are you doing that takes time away from him?
- How much time are you spending doing brainless activities on social media, or your phone?
5 Ways to Prioritize Time with Your Husband
1- Establish a Routine
When you feel as though you don’t have any free time, it is common to become disconnected from your husband.
This is why it is critical to establish a routine as a couple that can help each of you to reconnect and stay connected.
Whether you plan to get up a bit earlier in the morning to have breakfast or coffee together, or you simply just set aside time to talk each day, this will ensure that you are still prioritizing time with your husband during busy times.
2- Have Regular Date Nights
It can be difficult to find the time to have regular date nights, but it is so important to your relationship. If you can find just a few hours a week to simply enjoy your husband, you will find the connection you share stronger.
This also doesn’t mean that you have to get a babysitter and enjoy nights out on the town every week. A date night can be as simple as enjoying a movie and popcorn after the kids go to bed, or as extravagant as a weekend getaway.
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No matter what you chose, the time spent is what is important, even during busy times.
3- Purpose Your Kisses
Kissing your husband is very important. It’s not just a good way to connect, but it causes both an emotional and physical response in him that reminds him of your bond.
He’ll have a greater desire to spend time with you, when you show him affection, often, and with purpose.
4- Learn About His Likes and Dislikes
A great way to make your husband a priority in marriage is to learn more about what he likes and dislikes.
- Consider what his favorite meals, drinks, desserts, and music are.
- How does he prefer to take his coffee?
- What is his favorite sport? His favorite team?
- What career goals does he have?
- What’s his dream car?
If you do not know these things, it is time to ask them.
Once you know his preferences you can do little things to accommodate them. Consider having his favorite dinner prepared once in a while. You can also have his favorite music playing or have his coffee ready in the morning. Maybe rent his favorite car for a weekend as a little extra special surprise.

Doing these things doesn’t have to be time-consuming. In fact, you certainly don’t have to do them every single day. Simply making time every once in a while will show him how much you care.
5- Implement Your Plan
Telling you these tips only serves to inform you. It takes you deciding that you will prioritize time with your husband and actually implement your plan for it to be effective.
Marriage is a union of two people. And, maybe you keep thinking that HE needs to do more. But, you can’t change another person, you can only change yourself, and how you will choose to act.
I’ve discovered that the more I get out of my own way, the better my marriage is. Because, ladies, we often, too often, build up drama in our own minds that doesn’t exist. We often, have deep emotional needs that we never share with our mates. We expect that he will just somehow magically know what we are thinking, feeling and needing. But, that’s not true!
Communication is important in a marriage. It means YOU have to talk to him. YOU have to share your thoughts, ideas, and feelings with him. Learn to trust him enough that he will carry your heart in his when you share your deep emotions with him.
And, when you begin prioritizing time with him, prioritizing your marriage as a top priority, you’ll discover that communicating becomes second-nature.
There are many ways that you can prioritize your husband during busy times, you just have to make an effort.
Have a routine, have regular date nights and honor his likes and dislikes. In no time, your husband will feel as though he is a priority and your marriage will be stronger for it.
What ways are you working to prioritize time with your husband? Share your ideas in the comments below! It’s so helpful to me and others to hear what other wives do.

Want more tips for your marriage? Read these posts:
- 5 Ways to Add a Little Excitement in Your Marriage
- When Your Husband is a Loner
- 100 Proven Ways to Have a Stronger Marriage