Multiplying with LEGO Bricks
Teaching multiplication to children can be a daunting task. Multiplication is more than simply learning to recite the table of multiplication facts. It’s really learning how to group objects into bundles and then using those groups to count in a quicker way. Once a child learns this concept it makes understanding multiplication easier. Knowing that kids learn better when using everyday objects they love to play with, I combined learning with LEGO Brick play with learning about multiplication. That’s why I’ve created these Multiplying with LEGO bricks grouping boards.
How many times have you felt like you were hitting a brick wall? It can feel like one day your child can recite the multiplication table with ease and the next day they look at you with a blank stare. Maybe you have just given up hope that they will never get it.
I know the struggle! But… it was MY struggle all through school. I just couldn’t understand math. Numbers make my head spin and I get lost in a sea of doubt. It wasn’t until I was attempting to teach my own son who found math easy that I began to understand the concept of grouping for multiplication.
I still struggle because I was not taught the basic concept of multiplication. I was simply expected to memorize a table of information. But, when I slow down and remember the basic function of multiplication I can think through the process and find the solution.
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Teach Multiplication with LEGO® Brick Multiplication Pages
Multiplication is simply the act of grouping items into sets of numbers. Once you learn that objects can be grouped by sets then the table makes more sense doesn’t it? That’s why I’ve created these Multiplying with LEGO® Bricks Grouping Boards.
Multiplying with LEGO Bricks Printable

To use these boards let the children build their groups in the empty boxes. In the first box build one group of 4 bricks. In the second two groups of four bricks, and so on until they’ve completed each build. Then, they simply can count the number in each box to determine the answer and write it into the box.
The set includes a grouping board for each number one through ten.
I’ve also included a complete multiplication table to help them visualize and find the answer if they are struggling. Just find the group number at the top and the number of items at the side and connect the two. Plus, I’ve also included a blank mulitplication table for them to begin building their own fact memory as they work through the brick grouping boards.
How to Print & Use these LEGO Multiplication Printables
The best way to use these are to print them on card stock, then run them through your desktop laminator and have your child or student use dry erase markers to solve the problems. This way you can use them over and over again for each of your children.
Get the FREE LEGO Multiplication Download.
So what do you think? Do you think combining your child’s love for LEGO bricks with learning will help them to learn difficult concepts?
What is the best teaching method you have found for teaching multiplication?
Don’t miss the Counting with LEGO Bricks Free Worksheets!

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Learning to Count with LEGO Bricks
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* LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO® Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.

Trish Corlew
Hey Renee, thank you for linking up to the Hip Homeschool Moms’ blog hop! I love this article and chose it as my favorite for the week! It will be featured on the next hop and I am pinning it now to our math board. Be sure to stop by and grab your “I was featured” button from our site. Thank you for being part of our community! I hope to see more of your articles on our hops!
Renee Brown
Thank you so much Trish! So glad you love the article and I hope that you love the Math worksheets as well. 🙂 Looking forward to seeing your regular followers hopping over to grab some worksheets as well.
This is just what I wanted! Legos! Multiplication! Homeschool happiness. Thank you for sharing your talents!
Renee Aleshire Brown
So glad you found them! Hope they are helpful in your school!
daisydilly (vicki)
Thank you for sharing this.
Renee Aleshire Brown
You are very welcome! I hope that your little ones enjoy learning to multiply with Lego Bricks.
Amanda Stone
Thanks for sharing! My son loves Legos and this will make learning multiplication so much easier and more fun for him.
Renee Aleshire Brown
You are very welcome. I hope you and he find them to be the key to success.
I subscribed to the newsletter, signed in, and it still tells me I’m not authorized to see the files!
Any way around this? Sapengel@hotmail.com
Renee Aleshire Brown
I was making some back end changes and changed some settings and inadvertently turned off my files server. It is back on. I apologize and you should be able to download the files now.
I cannot download the multiplication printables 🙁 Help please!
Renee Aleshire Brown
I apologize. My files server is up and running again.
How can I download? I continue to get a message stating I am not authorized.
Renee Aleshire Brown
I apologize. I’ve been working on some back end things and inadvertently turned off my files server. It should be working now.
Renee Aleshire Brown
You are very welcome.
Kristin @ smartEpartE.com
So glad I saw this over at Frugal Homeschool Family! We have Lego preschool soon and I will surely find a way to incorporate this. Thanks!
Kristin @ smartEpartE.com recently posted…Cardboard Landforms for Sensory Bin Environments
Renee Aleshire Brown
Awesome! So glad you found it too! Be sure to check out my other LEGO Posts.
Jenn Roberts
My daughter will love this when we start multiplication this week. Thank you for sharing!
Jenn Roberts recently posted…Keepin’ it Real: How to be a Fly on the Wall in my Homeschool
Renee Aleshire Brown
Awesome! I’m glad it will be useful to your daughter to learn multiplication in a fun way.