Ideas for Homemaking
Homemaker. It’s a word that brings many emotions to mind. But with great homemaking tips it doesn’t have to be as stressful as you might think.
For some, it’s an archaic idea that should hold a place only in history. For others, myself included, being a homemaker is a calling. Homemaking is a necessary part of any household. Determining how to approach it, and who will manage it, is what makes it so emotional. From keeping up with laundry to organizing the pantry homemaking means you’ve got a lot of tasks to juggle to keep the household running efficiently.

“the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things— 4 that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.” Titus 2:3-5.*
Home. Yes, it’s the place where we reside, but it is more than that. Home is the place where we love, care for each other and learn together. It is where we can relax, unwind and share the joy of life with each other.
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A Homemaker, is the keeper of the home.
As a homemaker, I am tasked with keeping my home well outfitted and appointed with needful things. Being a homemaker means that I have the honorable role of being responsible for the management of the home.
A homemaker should be ever watchful and ensuring provisions are available to those we love.
That does not mean I am solely responsible for all of the work!
It does mean that I manage the day to day maintaining of the home. That’s what a homemaker is a home manager.
Home Management Tips
- Food Safety and God’s Providence Which is Safer, Plastic or Wood?
- How to Tips for Moving for a Relocation
- Best Homemaking Tips from Real Moms
Managing Household Chores
- Simple Tips to Manage Household Chores
- 5 Household Chores You Should do Every Day
- 15 Things Homemakers Need to do to Prepare Home for Winter
- 5 Homemaking Tips for Homeschool Moms
Homemaking through the Seasons
- The Great Cleanup: Spring Cleaning
- Tips for Managing Household Chores in Summer
- Home and Keeping in Winter
- Nest Your Home for Winter
- 15 Essentials Moms Should Keep in the Car in Winter
- 13 Ways to Get Cozy with Your Family This Winter
Tips for Decluttering Your Home
- How to Declutter Your Home
- How to Declutter Your Kitchen
- Get the Family on Board with Decluttering the Home
- Tips for Teaching Your Child to be More Organized
Keeping a Healthy Home
- Discover Healthy & Natural Cleaning Products
- Preparing Home for the Winter Illness Season
- Cleaning Up After an Illness
Learn the Art of Being a Peaceful Homemaker
- Seeing to the Family Needs as a Titus 2 Homemaker
- 10 Homemaking Posts for a more Peaceful Keeping Heart
- Timeliness through Routine
- If You Give a Girl a Vacuum
- Changing Roles of Men and Women?
- How to Organize a Simple Homeschool Command Center
But homemaking isn’t just about cleaning, organizing and meal making.
It is about ensuring that loved ones are blessed with what is needed so that everyone is equipped for every good work that the Lord places before us.
Being a good homemaker means we are ever ready, ever hospitable, and ever filled with love for each other and others whom we have the opportunity to serve.
Scriptures for Homemakers
In the Home and Keeping Peace
Guess what. Homemaking isn’t really my strong suit.
It’s often a struggle for me. It is something that I strive for. Which means it takes concerted thought and discernment to achieve results.
Clean homes don’t just happen at the twitch of a nose. Clothing becomes worn, torn and outgrown, which means they need to be either repaired or replaced.
If I fall short of my task, my family suffers the consequences, so I work to sustain our home so that we can be at peace.
Follow along as share homemaking, and household chores tips and skills.
For me it most often comes down to my attitude about it. So as I prayerfully seek to honor God, my husband and the role they have placed before me, I aim for a home filled with great peace.
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* Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.